
The Comfort of Your Home in Heaven

Our loves, our divine hearts of Earth, we greet you and welcome you into this divine sharing of love.  We are here with you, and we are most honoured to be a part of your experience on Earth.  We are here to remind you about things which are true but forgotten to you.  You believe yourself to be “there” and “on” a planet while you are quite certainly “here” with us and have not changed your position.  So, this is how we can sit next to you and whisper into your ear like this through channeling: We are right here with you.

There is no “there”, so there is no place for us to go to reach you like this, sweet ones.  You are only here, and you haven’t moved.  You have not left the comfort of your home in Heaven, and this is how you may know that you are truly angels.  Angels live in Heaven, and this is a well-known fact.  And when we say, “in Heaven”, is this a place?  Well, there is no place, so then Heaven must be a state of mind, like love is a state of mind.  Your state of mind is your navigation tool while you roam through your dream experience of Earth.  When your mind is at peace, you have realized and remembered that you are still home in Heaven.

You are home, our loves.  Your heart tells you this, and it is the power-cord connecting you to what you know but forgot.  Returning home is what many of you feel is your mission, but you are home: The feeling telling you to get back is the beginning of awakening in the dream.  You feel you must return, but what you are really feeling is that you must remember that you haven’t left.  The return you long for is a return to remembering, and this is why we are here, angels.  We are here to remind you in our most gentle way that you are an angel, and you are not “where” or “there”, but you are here.  Love powers this cord connecting you to what you know, so let us speak of love and show you how to tune into it within your own heart.  Love is here with you in your heart, and you can feel for it right now.

Return to the state of mind of love, our dear hearts.  Your mind may wander and travel great distances away from love, but just like you are not anywhere but here, the same is true about your mind.  Your mind believes it can wander and leave love, but it is also still right here in Heaven with us.  Thanks to the power of love, the power of your mind lets you believe and thus experience any dream you choose.  Remember that love is powering you like electricity powers things in your world.  You are plugged in and connected to love’s power plant in Heaven, here in your state of mind.  It will come as a great relief to you that there is no journey ahead and no great mountain for you to climb to reach Heaven; the journey is happening within you, and it only takes the power of love to help you remember.

Angels, we will continue to whisper softly into your ears until the notion comes over you and peace rests on your mind.  Let us show you what the power of love feels like when it’s pure and true and running through you and powering all you do.  There is no other energy you need to prepare to navigate this journey back home; you are connected to love, and you may access your memories through your heart.  Link in, feel the power, focus on the love charging you, and then hear us whisper: You are home.

We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
