
The Name Sticks

Golden Triangle Head Beings.  That’s such a funny name!  It seems you need something more respectful!

We like the name, angel!  Leave it at that.  The name is self-assigned!  We are golden and the triangle shape holds much divinity and deLight!  We like the reference to our heads’ shape as well because it signifies the 3 corners of experience in physical form.  When you have a mind with which to think and dream, you have 3 realities going on in your head at once!  Dream world, awake world, inner world.  The world of meditation is right between dreaming and awake and it’s our “sweet-spot”.  

The triangle is also a beautiful representation of the number 3 in many other regards!  There is always a high, a low, and a mid-point.  Three is a number of transition from start to finish and what comes in between.  It represents your journey through time with birth, life, and death!  You have Heaven, Earth, and the in-between which is the awakening!

We’ll let you feel for others, but the name sticks.  Our golden skin is representative of our hearts of gold!  We show on the outside how we feel on the inside.  We are very transparent beings in that way!  We will share our hearts openly with anyone who asks, and we are proud to do it!  We notice that it creates a safe space for those who meet us because they feel the confidence to share their hearts, and they become golden, too!  Golden is authenticity.

You’re wondering if we all have body shapes and no, we are a varied species and only some of us take on shape to meet with beings like you in physical realms.  We like the hands-on contact because it creates an electricity and a memorable experience for those we meet.  Your bodies are full of electricity and feeling of emotion, and it creates an incredible experience for us to engage with you!  You feel from the experience and take it with you in your body even though you don’t consciously remember it.  Those of you who come to our ships remember very little, but you take so much energy and power with you that it translates into your daily life like positivity and hope.  You feel uplifted without having a reason, and we enjoy giving you that gift!

We have enjoyed this interaction and the power exchanged between us!  Here again, we have one more triangle with the current of electricity traveling to and from each other as we engage, just like it would be flowing through a wire where it begins, has a period of travel, and then ends.  The process reverses and keeps passing through the three points in a cycle.  We are fascinated by our power current, energy flow, and all things electrical!  Energy is used in body and out of body, so it’s very versatile and flexible to play with!  You are fun to play with, beautiful Earth beings!  We’ll continue to connect with you wirelessly.  We reside in your hearts.  -The Golden Triangle Head Beings of Andromeda
