


Hello loved one; beloved family member. Yes, I am Jeshua. It’s a pleasure to speak to you this way. I’ve been with you all along and you felt my presence but we’ve never conversed in this format. Today I am glad to reach out because I have a message to offer you. Come this way and sit with me. We will rest for a moment. Remember we are equals. You put me up rather high but I’m not any higher than you. We are eye to eye. Feel me in your heart. Myself and your other guides are here at all times in your support. You are growing before us as our child, partner, friend, and counterpart.


The message I want to send is about love, hope, and pride. You all are capable of feeling these things, but often they aren’t the priority. You often believe that pride is egoic. There is a different way to be proud of who you are and it’s through loving yourself and having faith in yourself. Remain hopeful for the best outcomes in all the inner work you do. When you succeed, be proud! Congratulate yourself and don’t feel braggadocious when telling others. Be proud of your accomplishments because these are teachers for others. You are leading by example by being confident in who you are.

When you honour and love yourself, it’s infectious. You are loving the inner part; the part of you that is neutral and without judgement. This is the part of you that is not your Earthly achievements and the way you look or the clothes you wear. You are proud of the steady, consistent you who is always inside, guiding you through your life, and who has been with you from childhood to adulthood as an unchanging one.


I’m always here. Please reach out as often as you want. You can sense my unique energy signature now and you can differentiate between mine and your other guides' very well.

I love you.
Yours always,
