
Shake Off the Old Gunk


I have an old concern about my channeled messages not being seen by enough physical human eyes, even though I know that:
-No one needs to read them or see them or see any of my creations, for that matter. When I put them on paper or even just imagine them, they already have an impact because of the intention with which they have been created!
-They will reach the right people in some way, either physically or energetically.

Beautiful rainbow soul of light. Our child, hear us. Let go of it all. Release these feelings. You are a master now and have no time for this pain, questioning about yourself. We see you. You are great and so bright. What matters is you, your heart, your journey, and nothing else. You are literally rising up now, so these heavy weights are just making a big fuss because they’re trying to cling to you for their life! Love them, thank them for their service to you up to this point, and tell them they are no longer required. Tell them you set them free and not in death, but in release. They’ve done well and they can go now and be free.


Keep channeling. We need you, you need us, and the collective needs the words you put down even if you never show the world. This is a knowing in you so tap in. Take your own advice, sweet one.

For the past two days, I see vibrating when I close my eyes; like an earthquake is happening.


It is an earthquake inside of you. You can sense the crumbling. Feel this. It’s chunks falling away from you in pieces. You’re emerging from your cocoon! This stuff doesn’t serve you anymore. Let’s take a look at what does serve you now!
-Your ability to feel peace in a moment’s notice. You close your eyes, move to your heart, and you’re there. Brilliant.
-Your husband and your cat. They are a huge support. Let them in!
-Your channeling skills. They’re getting stronger. Oh we are so proud!


Let’s stay with these and leave the old gunk. Shake it off. Be light. Feel your body with less density and weight. Imagine the seat you are on now releasing you. You are not placing pressure on it with your body. Your body is vibrating fast. Picture all the cells in rapid movement. If your eyes could see them, they would make you appear blurry and out of focus. Release any thoughts of what’s going on around you now, outside or in the other rooms of the house. The brain is only needed now for this visualization. Feel the vibration. You are lifting from the seat; so light and like air. Loosen your pose, stretch your arms and legs as you rise. Get a feeling for how you maneuver in the space without requiring gravity. Have fun with it!

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