
Nature's Way


Hello, our heart.  You are our heart, too, you know?  We’re you.  It’s not easy to imagine, but we are such a part of you.  We’re Source and you’re Source – all one.

I get this, but I don’t think about it.  When I call on you, I’m calling the higher versions of myself, the more aware versions, to assist in giving me wisdom which isn’t attainable here.


It’s exactly that, yes.  It’s more than wisdom, though.  You’re seeking the love for yourself which is missing here.  You’re seeking the wholeness of you that you’re missing.  It’s just a matter of trying to put yourself back into one piece.  It gets stronger in times when you are struggling with something because all of the parts of you there know what to do and they jump into action by going out and pulling in the troops!

Wow!  So you, all of my guides, are me being nature and rounding up other parts of me I know will help me right now?


Very much.  You’ve seen Mother Gaia call in support in extreme cases where she has healed herself naturally.  You’re the same; you’re just using what you can for survival.

When something isn’t in balance or when you feel sick, you awaken friends inside of you to come make it all better.  You have always done this, but you weren’t so aware of it.  Now that you’re aware of these helpers, your soul has assigned names to them to help you identify the different energies.

OK.  Thank you!  I won’t talk about the help I need today because I already feel you assisting with that.  You’re in my stomach, helping me to untie the knots.  Thank you.


We love you and we’re always here.  WE know exactly what you need.  You can just flow.  Enjoy yourself as much as you can.  Be love towards yourself.  That’s all that you have on your agenda for today.

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