
Implicit and Unshakeable Trust in US

Something switched in me and I can finally describe what’s going on here!


I have an unshakeable trust in everything working out for me, for everyone, and for the planet.


Before this, I had something in my mind saying that we all needed to be awake and aware to be able to shift to the fifth dimension.  When I recently inherently decided this is not the case, I released the feeling of needing to help humanity to awaken and to help them do it painlessly.  I was holding onto the idea that I had a responsibility to diligently move the energy in my meditations to support this cause.  I convinced myself that it wasn’t hard work.  I did still enjoy it so much and that was genuine.  I played in it and loved the visualizations.  I imagined all of us waking up and being so happy and excited to share with others and it was beautiful.  But this intention of responsibility I had around it was only holding back the flow!


I realized recently that if we don’t all awaken, we will still move to the fifth dimension in perfect divine timing and we will do it together.  My meditations about it aren’t going to make or break it.  I’ve released the pressure to be on social media sharing my words in desperation.  In posts, I would always say that my mission is to sit here and be love, but I would still have that underlying nagging feeling to do my spiritual practice and share posts with the hope that whomever needed to feel the energy or read the words would receive it exactly in the right moment.  I was not just sitting and being love; I was doing a lot and working hard at it, and I was keeping that a secret even from myself!


I would often feel concern or discord when I’d see lightworkers online contradicting themselves.  I see now this was a trigger trying to show me I was contradicting MYSELF.  I didn’t see it!  I was working very hard while, at the same time, telling myself and everyone else we don’t have to work hard.  It triggered me so much because it’s exactly what I was doing without realizing it!  I was also trying to show myself why I was feeling the need to help OTHERS awaken:  OTHERS are ME and, therefore, I was trying help myself awaken to this contradiction!


Looking at all of this now in this new light has shown me how funny it all is.


But more than anything, it is showing me that I have thoroughly let it all go!!


It’s absolutely and totally gone!  I have no more concern about whether others will awaken because I KNOW and FEEL that WE are still moving in the right direction and we CANNOT veer off course no matter what my meditation or posts are about and regardless of whether we are all awake or not.


My meditation is not for this; my meditation is only for playing in my world.  All the other lovely souls can have their world and I have no concern for them whatsoever, now.  In fact, I WANT them to choose their own world because it’s what they want to do, the way they want to do it!  When we choose our own world and listen to ourselves and trust our own hearts and our own guidance, this is the way we move AS ONE.


I trust all of us implicitly.


It cannot fail.


It has not failed.


It’s already done!


It isn’t even about having or needing faith in all of us because it’s beyond faith:  There’s nothing to have faith in when you already know it is true.


I know we’ve already succeeded, so I don’t have any reason to apply faith or prayer to it.


So now, all I have to do is continue to play and enjoy and set it all free.


No longer do I feel any mission other than the one I so often spoke:  To be here and be love.  


It was words before without my awareness that they weren’t truly known.


But today, I know them.


I am free and clear!


I love you and thank you and I’ll always be here for anything you need!!
