
Lighten Up!

Lighten Up; Figuratively AND Literally!

*˚Lighten up on yourself:  Be playful and light-hearted!  Have fun!  Lighten the load and let go of burdens and pressures weighing you down.  It’s not so serious.  Let go of doing too much.  Come as you are.  Accept yourself as you are.  Let go of the “perfect” person you believe you have to be and just be the perfect person you already are.

*˚Lighten up your perspective:  Shine a new light on what you once believed.  Brighten your perception and response and see the joy and gifts in what life is offering. 

*˚Lighten up the world:  Shine like the sun.  Enlighten others by sharing your light of joy and your bright perspective.

*˚Lighten up your density:  When you find a brighter perspective, you physically vibrate higher.  Feel the high vibes and feel your vibration increase and you will even become visibly bright and shiny!
