
Your job in resolving conflict

Greetings!  We are the Arcturian Council and we are so pleased to connect with you.


We listen and we are very aware of what it is many of you are asking for at this time.  We understand so deeply and empathize and feel within you what it is you are looking to achieve there as a collective on your planet.  It’s a constant passion of ours to continuously monitor and read the energy-levels of your consciousness and to gain a clearer understanding of what drives you to change.


At this time in the evolution of your consciousness, there is a call for more harmony between individuals and between nations.  It’s our understanding that you long for resolution of warring parties whether it be between couples, family members, or entire nations.  You’re searching for ways to resolve these feelings of corruption and conflict you feel all around you.


With outstretched hearts, we ask you to give it all to us to hold for you.  These pains you carry are burdens for collectives like ours to hold.  For us, we can maneuver and oscillate these dense energies until they are dissolved and, therefore, resolved.  For us, it is energy and not perceived as pain or pleasure.  There is no judgement of energies like this but simply a function required to release them back to Source-consciousness where they came from.


We ask that you take this approach when pain and torturous emotions come up inside of you.  You needn’t hold these for they can be perceived as a concoction requiring a change in state.  When you perceive them as matter or form, you can visualize a mixing and stirring like you’d do with any recipe.  In your imagination, picture it as a blending of solids and liquids.  It’s just energy asking for you to send it back to Source.  You do this when you release the pressure to do something about it.  You can witness it as the moving of energy and nothing more.  All that is needed, on your part, is to take a detached perspective:  Shift from necessity to release and acceptance.  Move into knowing that you are receiving this energy because it is well within your power to alter it.  It’s coming as a reminder to you that you are a great and powerful Creator-being with the ability to manifest your world with simple visualization.


Be the alchemist or give it to us to handle.  But know, in either regard, it’s not for you to hold.  Your job is to stay bright and smiling and at the highest state of love and joy you can find.  The more you hold these states of joy, the less you will see energy asking for you to help it change state.  You’ll begin to only witness what you want to see in your world and it will continue to respond as long as you continue to follow the path of joy.


We love you.

-The Arcturian Council
