
The Steps You Take to Shift Your Consciousness

Greetings, our friends. We are the Arcturian council and it’s a pleasure to connect with you. 

We are initiating a conversation with many of you at this time to discuss where to go next. We know you have been moving forward nicely and we see many achievements you are making in your shift to the fifth dimension. We would like to assist more in the way of lending our Arcturian energy. Your lineage holds Arcturian ancestry and that connection is held in your DNA. This is where our connection to you can be felt and it’s how we often reach you first when you start channeling. 


The road or the path to your ascension is called that because of the steps you take to get there. It’s metaphorical. You know there is no road and no destination because none of those things exist and neither does time. When we talk about your journey, it's referring to the evolution of your consciousness, and even the word “evolution” insinuates time is involved. We once again apologize for the poor examples, but as you move into a more conscious awareness of being Source-consciousness and leave behind your association with being a physical body, you start to understand the metaphors and you see that they’re the best we’ve got. 


So, if you want to think of your mission, purpose, or journey on Earth at this time in regard to being the self as consciousness, your best option is to feel what that means to you personally. As you are all at different stages between identifying as physical and formless, one metaphor is impossible to use for all. Feel what it means to you when we speak of the journey to the fifth dimension. Feel how shifting is not a physical move, but a transition your consciousness makes. 


You have shifted before and we’re not just talking about the lifetime you currently lead here on Earth. Your Akashic records hold information about other shifts you’ve made in other worlds. You can sit in meditation and focus on what that felt like to shift in consciousness to another dimension. Begin to get reacquainted with scenarios like this one and access methodologies you applied in other shifts. They’re not all the same, but the feeling of recognition can at least help to trigger that sense of accomplishment and confidence in your capabilities. You’ve shifted before and you did it in a vast number of ways. 


Call up your creativity in your heart and use what you have within to help you activate your innovative abilities. You will be sure to feel that familiarity and sense within what it takes to access the love and trust you need to make your shift. 


We are here and available for anything you need. 

-The Arcturlan Council. 
