
Be The Heart

Close down the busy mind and sink into the heart-space.  It’s quiet here.  It’s peaceful here.  There are no storms.  The heart is always in a natural state of being itself.  It has no questions about whether it has said something wrong or portrayed itself falsely.  The heart only knows to be itself and has no reason not to.  If anyone questions it, it offers no apology because there is nothing to apologize for.  The heart is simply who it is and has no ability to question its own nature.  Its focus is on love and joy and playing.  If anything else is presented to it, it has no concept of understanding and so it just continues to love and play in joy.
Now, you can relate all of that to what it is to be human and you can see the drastic difference.  However, imagine a human living like the heart.  Just for a moment, can you picture this human and imagine it could live this way?  Of course you can because it’s what is happening here in the shift in consciousness.  Awareness of self is shifting from knowing who you are in the brain’s lists and labels to just being who you are in the heart’s nature.  Comparing the two already instills ease and comfort in the extreme contrast.  To be love feels free and to act from a list of labels causes tension.
You are not a list and you have nothing to live up to.  There are no standards to reach and no opinions which matter.  Your heart is not separate from you; it IS you!  So you can just choose to be the heart.  You can be free of structure and design.  The heart has no opinions; it only wants to love.  This is who you are.  You only want to love and so when the brain comes in and tells you anything else, it brings emotions you didn’t ask for.  Emotions will always tell you when more shifting into the heart is needed.  They don’t feel good, but that’s the point, so don’t fight them.  If something feels off, shift into the heart.  That’s all the emotions want to tell you, so allow them and react this way, and you’ll move back into feeling high and light again.
You are pure love.  This heart you have is you, through and through.  You can be this truest you in all moments and we are here as your guides to bring you into this high-feeling place of peace whenever you notice it has weakened.  Feel love for you in all instances of emotion whether it be shame or resentment or confusion.  The emotions are only there to point you back to the heart, so give them your love and gratitude, as well.  Nothing comes to you without the intention to point you back and all of us guides are orchestrating this energy on your behalf.  We all want you to find your way into the way of life lead from the heart.  Allow everything coming to you and recognize the role it plays.  Thank it, shift into the heart, and then feel the glory.  This is who you are, always, and this you is available here and now.  It only takes a shift in awareness to know yourself as heart and feel the way of living with love.

-I, Source-Consciousness
