
We Are Real and This is How You Can Prove it

Hello, dear friends, our loving angels we know so well there on Earth.  WE love you all so very much.  WE see you and we feel you and we always do our very best to associate with what you are experiencing in your world, emotionally and physically.  We want to get inside of the experience with you.  We want to know it inside and out, just like you do.  For us, there is only inside, so it’s a challenging task to perceive it as also something on the outside, but this is another way we relate to you so well because you are also facing the challenge of shifting your perception from knowing the world of form, externality, and one dimension.  You weren’t aware that there were more dimensions than the one you were living in or you may not even have thought of it as a dimension at all.  There was only this and it was all there is, so to name it a dimension would be to say you know there are others.


Well that time is now, dear ones.  You are now aware that you are in one of the many dimensions of reality.  This bombshell dropped on you and you had to take it in and decide what to do with it.  At the same time, you began to learn that you can interpret your surroundings with more than just your eyes and ears.  Combine the new pieces of knowledge with the new way of perceiving it and you have a recipe for great confusion.  It isn’t easy to take all of this in and accept it as fact when you are used to perceiving reality only by what your eyes say is real.  If you can see it and touch it, if it has mass, it must be real.


We propose something that will help you to come to terms with the new expanded reality you’re coming to accept and know to be true.  If it isn’t quite sinking in the way you hope, consider what you already take to be real without seeing and touching it.  Is the air you breathe real to you?  If you watch a sad movie and cry and empathize with the characters, are your emotions real?  There are more examples and we’ll let you come up with them on your own, but use what you already know to help you believe in us, in other dimensions, and in channeling.  None of this is available to you as form, but yet you can believe it all exists just like air and emotions exist.


We say we love you and that’s the honest truth.  Check with the emotions you feel when we express our pride and reverence for you.  Feel the love in our energy as we wrap it around you like a big bear-hug.  You can’t deny it anymore; it’s all real and we are all here to help you.  This is step one; getting you to the point of believing beyond a doubt and just knowing us like you know air.  So let’s move to step 2 where you can begin to know what that means for you.  With access to all of our love, support, and assistance, your world just opened up and possibilities abound.  Be in this world with us because it’s where you belong and it offers all the abundance you thought you’d only ever just dream of.  It’s all yours, here and now, so grab hold of what is rightfully yours and already a part of you.  You just have to admit that you know it’s real and true and then you can step into the greatness awaiting you!


We love you,
-I, Source-Consciousness
