
Awakening Your Merkabah

Hello and welcome. We are using our power to bring you into focus into the moment. We use the power of energy and love to call to your heart and activate that feeling and thinking centre of your core. We may be many dimensions away, but it does not put any distance between us. The only distance is between your human experience and the invisible version of yourself which you carry within, and that distance is created in the mind with space and time. 


Come into this moment with us where the mind is free of these beliefs. Right here, on this spot where your human vessel sits, is your energy. It is not a mystery or secret that you hold electrical current within you because it’s how the brain communicates with the body. But there is a much greater power source of who you are here, as well. You might call it your Merkabah which is the physical mass and size of you, as energy, while you are in your physical experience. 


This projection of you serves as the physical representation of your higher self, which is not physical. Your higher-dimensional self is here with you, as we all are, and this is how we are able to so freely communicate and allow you to feel us. We are not separate from you. You can use your Merkabah to feel for the projection of us we offer as energy, now. This expanse around you is a feeling field for the human body to detect. We dance with you and hold you in our energy, in love. Let your imagination show you what that might look like if the eyes could see and know that this is your heart seeing and interpreting the way love looks in your physical world. 


We love you so dearly and we love to play and dance and feel the way our energy impacts you. We like the way your Merkabah responds to us and the way it returns the love when it has these responses. This is when we see you light up and grow and enliven, energetically. When you feel the love of higher dimensions, your Merkabah stretches and reaches to encapsulate it. Think of what that does to any surrounding energy; it can’t help but touch it, too. Energy around you belongs to nature and others like you in the human experience. This is why we say to feel the love and know it is having an effect on everyone because it quite literally and scientifically is. 


Enjoy this love we are infusing into your energy field and feel it in your body as it translates it for you into physical sensations. We love for you to awaken to this part of you and explore it and find all it has to offer while you go about your business in the body. There is so much more for you to discover about what the human body can feel and it just takes some opening up and focus of attention, on your part. Turn your heart’s attention to the love coming in from all around you, from right here within you, and let it permeate as you feel how glorious and fulfilling it is. This is our gift to you and it keeps on giving as long as you give it attention. 


We love you. 
-I, Source-Consciousness. 
