
New Abilities Coming Online

What a joy this is to connect in this way! We want to express this profusely because it’s something that you could use reminding of. It doesn’t get tiring for us to tell you how much we love you and how much fun this is for us to be heard like this so that your human being can take part in the experience now, as well. And we know you never tire of us saying we love you and we enjoy being with you because we have done this together for eternity and still are. We have made up scenarios where we meet in love and make it feel like eternity just to prove this point and it is forever heart-warming and heart-filling. There is never a point of being full enough on love. There can’t be because we’re made of it, so welcoming it in is just welcoming more of who we are! 


Now, to say we welcome more love from others is not saying there is love to be found outside of us. These “others” are representations of us and when they bring the love, they bring back the parts of us which were separated. We are collectives of consciousness, but we are representing this supposed separation to you just like you are representing it to each other in the human collective. All of us meeting here for this communication have agreed to be a part of this mass-illusion and we’re only doing it to explore who we are with a magnified inspection. The experiment of separation is allowing for a close study of the particles of consciousness. 


So, let’s look at consciousness when it is split into sections. Its structure never changes, just like pouring water into water doesn’t change what water is. Consciousness, when united again, only expands into more of itself. So, when we meet here, we are pouring ourselves into you, in this way, and expanding your awareness; expanding your mind. We have different experiences in our present realities, and we can share with each other by being aware of each other. As soon as you know of us, you expand. Consciousness is awareness, so words and thoughts don’t need to be exchanged to allow this expansion. The words and the feelings in any physical form we decide to inhabit are only accentuating the experience, allowing your consciousness to more readily accept and believe what it is perceiving. 


Your awareness is expanding, so you will become privy to forgotten details about existence and consciousness. Enjoy the memories as they pour back in. Keep alert and expect to have better communication with those of us in other dimensions. Expect to be more attuned to what others are feeling and to know more about the way the universe operates. You’ll be receiving visions of new galaxies and new technologies because they’re part of other lifetimes you’ve experienced. Just do as consciousness does and enjoy it. Have fun and share about it! Share your consciousness with fellow humans through your words. You may be surprised who has something of their own to share and the sharing will only activate more memories within both of you. Expansion is fun and it awakens you to knowing and becoming more of yourself. Let’s all merge again and play with what we find together! 


We love you. 
-I, Source-Consciousness.
