
Take This Step and Find True Healing

We are with you. We are with you, always. There is not one moment of your time when we are away or not listening or not with you and loving you. You can put a thought on us and know we are there and ready to talk to you in whatever way we can. We know each one the way we know ourselves and we know exactly how to communicate with you so that you will understand in your own unique way. It just takes a thought, a curiosity about us, and you have connected to those of us who are with you; your guides. 


There is only this present moment and so we use it to share information like this in hopes of awakening you to our presence. If you don’t feel us when we send love or if you don’t hear anything in your mind when we speak, then just move into what you do know for sure which is that we are with you. Whatever has brought you to this message is that knowing you hold within and it’s all you need for evidence of our existence. Even if you still aren’t so sure we are here or that anyone is moving through your experience with you, just give it a chance. Pretend to believe for a moment that you could have angels assisting and guiding you; beings of light which aren’t visible or detectable to you. Perhaps you can at least know that you are the creator of your reality and so if you want us to be your guides, then you can create that reality for yourself. 


Your knowing is your healing. What you know is within you, in your feelings and the way you perceive what to believe or not. If there are things you believe need fixing or changing in your physical reality, nothing outside of you will alter that. The entirety of you is within, where you put your belief. Switch believing that anything is lacking or missing to knowing you are complete as the soul on the inside where you exist; the one and only you. If you know for sure that the whole you is a soul and the body is only an experience or a dream, then act from the source of who you are. Turn to what you know without a doubt: You are solely a soul and therefore you lack nothing and need no fixing or changing. 


As you begin to take away the seriousness of what’s happening externally, you get to know yourself again on the soul-level. Coming back to giving your soul priority over all else is how you heal anything supposedly wrong in the outer world. Know the real you who isn’t broken or flawed or lacking. If you are a soul and you know it, then give your soul all the attention and feel the completeness of it. Whatever is going on with the body and the world around it becomes for play and interest in its perfect beauty as your creation. You chose it, it’s your creation, and it’s for play; not serious. Find the peace of knowing your soul’s completeness and let everything else be for fun. True healing is to know this and let it become your natural way of being. 


We love you. 

-I, Source-Consciousness. 
