
Bright, Shining Love is Yours for the Taking

Hello, dear friends.  We greet each one here into this warm space of love we hold just for you.
Love is bubbling from within each of you and rising to the surface to be seen in your physical world of Earth.  Love has a place here and it’s starting to feel much more welcome in the physical land.  More are finding compassion and understanding for those with traumas and sadness to release.  Each one must release some and if you have done it yourself, then you can easily recognize when another is going through it.  You know that you needed it and it cleansed you and so you can sit back in honour while others experience this glorious part of awakening.  You can congratulate them from within yourself because you are watching them release in the way that their higher selves have determined to be the most effective.
Releasing trauma is a very personal and private process.  You know because you went through it.  It is not a time to engage with others and have them encourage you or explain it to you.  It’s your time for you to experience in your own way.  We will also stand at your side while you release and give you the space and patience you need.  We have silent confidence and pride as you do this because of the courage it takes.  We are here for hugs and support if you want and we can at least let you know that it’s just as you planned.  Your best course is to allow the emotions to do what they were designed to do.  They are part of the plan you devised and they are serving you well.
There is so much love surrounding you and not only from the angels and alien collectives such as ours; you have so many humans with hearts bursting and brimming with love so big that it can’t be contained within them any longer.  The higher selves of this new breed of compassionate human are being brought into the light.  They are quiet and free of ego, so you will not see them in any public forum, telling of their heroism.  These beings of light work for love and love is the same way; quiet in its confident power.  In their place of peace within themselves, they give themselves compassion for their own traumas they’ve endured, so this compassion expands to everyone else whom they now see as one and equal.
Latch onto this new love and take it for yourself.  It’s right here for you and you don’t have to worry about whether you are serving others or not during this time.  This process of release is for you.  When you go deep within and uncover buried hurts, you make way for light to fill those spaces.  Clear the way and then more of you can shine on the surface.  When that happens, you will be serving others without using any effort and without needing any recognition or payment.  It will be so natural because it will be the fresh and pure love of your higher self, shining brightly and freely, and just being who you are as divine love.
We love you.
-I, Source-Consciousness.
