
Our Assignment From the Guides

Hello to you all, beautiful soul-Lights.  We are bringing love through for you here and always are.  Whatever we can offer, we do and always will.
In the midst of such a dramatic change as yours, from the third dimension into the fifth, you will find the need for more love and heart-connections.  The assignment we will always give you is to find love inside of you and to use the love we give to get you there.  Keep your attention on what fills you with love.  Make this a priority, starting now.  Give this gift to yourself and treat yourself to the desserts of love’s buffet.  You are a soul made of love and you sparkle with diamond light when you give attention to whatever makes you feel it.  There is more than one thing that gives you the nourishing fulfillment and sweetness love brings to you, so let them take up your attention in all moments.
This is your choice, divine being.  You are the creator and you decide where your energy and attention goes.  It might be a new practice, but it only takes a moment of awareness about your thoughts.  They seem to trail aimlessly at times, but these times are your opportunity to practice being the creator.  Take some gentle words from your heart and guide your thoughts back to love.  You are the master of your mind and it loves to help you turn the focus to what feels good.  It is adept at playing the game of imagination and will be effective at drawing you back to the heart-space.

Let your imagination show you that thinking can happen from your heart.  It has a lot to say and show you and loves being in the limelight.  You will love it, too.  Hugs and kisses are here, warm sun is here, water on your toes on beaches are here, and so much more that brings you into joy.  Whether you have been able to manifest something like this in your reality by using these techniques is not important for this practice.  If it isn’t real in your tangible world, make it real in your imagined heart-world.  It can feel even better because more emphasis is given to what it feels like emotionally when you’re here.  Sometimes the physical reality can distract you from how emotional it all is.
We love to offer different perspectives to you and then let you take them where you wish.  If this practice feels like it will serve you and give you a lifting of your vibration, then we are so pleased.  We can meet you in a high vibrational place much more easily and we can enhance your experience even more.  Use whichever method you prefer, but please give yourself this gift for this moment and make priority about you feeling good.  Share with others when you find these ways to lift up into higher positions of love.  Sharing it will lift you because you get to relive it as you tell about it.  When others practice your methods or share their own, you get lifted again.
There are only positive results from exploring ways to raise your vibration.  Whenever you give attention to feeling better and lifting your vibration, no matter what method you choose or whether it works or not, is always positive.  The intention to be in higher states of love and joy is providing solace from a busy, aimless mind.  Move to the heart, hear its words, and feel its light.  There is so much to be found here and so much to be shared.  We are excited to collaborate with you and share our own stories of love and light.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness.
