
The Awakened Collective Knows What's Really Going On

A warm and welcoming greeting from us to you as we come into this present together!  We applaud your courage and perseverance, loving angels of Earth!  We see you finding ways to be excited for what’s coming in spite of the things you see happening around you.  You are trusting in your higher self and in all of us who tell you that it’s a series of scenarios which must play out before your eyes, but it isn’t an indication of anything to come.  What you see in upheaval and chaos is a bit of energy swirling and making a dramatic exit.  We are so pleased with you for understanding this and for turning your attention to the excitement this brings rather than to any thoughts and feelings of concern or doubt.
Witness the beauty in this ascension and transformation you and the Earth are going through together.  If you’d like, make a list of what’s magical about your world.  You are involved in the present moment, so this doesn’t have to be a comparison chart to any seeming past which you once believed occurred.  But, you can feel what is new to you, in energy.  You can feel how different you are in the ways you respond to the physical world.  Form holds a metaphorical value like dreams provide.  The dreaming world and waking world are much the same to you, now, and neither is as serious as you may have taken them to be as a previous version of yourself.
Priorities and perception shift as one such as you, the awakened soul, moves along the path to divine oneness.  Your ultimate focus is on watching for signs to tell you how to feel more unity and connection with those you know are not separate from you.  There is so much abundance to be found in realizing you are everyone else.  You are only One and it isn’t a lonely statement.  With oneness comes abundance because you are complete and without need for anything or anyone to fulfill lack.  You lack nothing and you know only peace because of this.
We are here as your guides and we will always remind you that you are not alone.  We will always congratulate you for the new way you see the world and the others you seem to be sharing it with.  We are here to be that part of you which wants some recognition for heading in the right direction, spiritually.  As you continue to shift and turn back to who you are as spirit, you will continue to receive all the support, love, and accolades from the parts of you which you call “the guides”.  We are you and you have summoned this inner part for assistance and reminding when you needed it the most.  Move as you are, with grace and trust, and know that love is your support, showing up for you as guides like us and in all the signs and symbolism you receive around you.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness.
