
The World is in a Major Overhaul

Greetings to you all, divine souls. We are sending enormous amounts of gratitude, love, and appreciation to you at present for what you have accomplished, thus far, and are carrying on with, in the moment. There is no shortage of awe on our side as we witness what you do while under the veil of forgetfulness and illusion. You are running on blind faith and it’s all you have to give you the resilience and staying-power you’ve mustered. Yes, you have us telling you we are here and you have some evidence you find hard to dispute, but yet most have not reached the full knowing that you are not alone or that the magic they witness is real. You know, but yet you still have doubts because of this veil, and this is why we praise you like we do. Faith is prompting you forward and it’s spectacular to watch you thrive in the face of the massive change you’re amid. 


There is a lot of upheaval and disorder as the world releases the old and embraces the new. You can see it like a home renovation: Everything is taken down to the studs, some parts are recycled in the rebuild, and some are disintegrated as waste. You are seeing this renovation of planet Earth and Her inhabitants, now. Some of the old materials are leaving your dimension, disintegrating into energy to be recycled elsewhere. These old materials are made of energy, whether they’re in the form of people, leadership structures, or your physical surroundings. It is all being demolished and there is no order to be seen in this tear-down. 


Compare this to the demolition of a house and, in the pile of rubble, you can’t tell whether that broken part of the frame is from the bathroom or the dining room. There is no sense, rhyme, or reason to the remnants. However, there is the pile which was salvaged for re-use, and you can begin sorting through it and refurbishing whatever fits with the new build. Your souls and ours are fervently sorting through these energies and organizing them into their new roles and placements. As this energy is turned over for study, tossed this way and that as decisions are made, the metaphor of the physical world is doing its best to represent that to you in your human experience. With knowledge of what is happening behind the scenes comes peace in watching all as it seems to fall apart. 


Your world is in a state of change and appears to many to be without direction, but it is all part of this new trust you have instilled within. This faith you hold in the divine plan, even as confusing, senseless, and surreal as it might get, is what will hold you up and through it. Look around not at what is crumbling, but see the energy being reorganized and reassigned to higher positions of love. Give confidence and compassion to the people who represent the chaos to you, give love to any who are confused and worried, and know with your faith and trust that it’s all part of the necessary shift from old to new. The metaphors are just playing their parts to tell the story of the energy, and your best response is to be the stable and joyful soul you are. You know that it’s all part of the process of building something new, fresh, and transformed, and if you keep your attention on that alone, you will help everyone else to feel the energy of faith and trust, as well. 


We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness.
