
A Pivotal Point in Our Ascension Journey

Hello, our beautiful angels. Here we are and we are here with you, always. This is the truth now and as long as you believe time exists. Whether you believe this moment is the only one or if there is a future full of moments makes no difference; we are here for all of it, with you, always! 


It’s our pleasure and divine honour to announce that you have done it. You have reached a pivotal point in your ascension journey where there is now only going to be an upwards and steadily climbing energy which will take you into a love-based society and way of being! There are enough now who have shifted in their being to hold the family of humanity inside their hearts, inclusively, so that the lot of you can be carried in their loving arms, vibrationally. Hearts so full are like the helium in the collective’s balloon, and up and away they take you into your highest and wildest dreams! 


Your continual sailing and rising will not be free of the occasional turbulence, but the trip will not stray off course, our friends. When the winds of change blow, they can be fierce and unforgiving, but you are at the helm and you are the ones who decide what the rest of the journey looks like. Remember that you are creating this together with only your feelings, so that means, just like the winds change so freely and without warning, so can your feelings. Storms will require your attention but they don’t need you to feed them with your worry and concern. Tend to any clean-up that must be done, but keep your sights clear and optimistic. Your actions and feelings are all pointing toward the goal; this heart-based way of living coming to fruition. 


Set course onward and upward, Earth-angels! Dial in the love, and trust your instruments. The coast is clear now and your duty is to keep aiming for blue skies and clear waters. Visualize it and bask in it. Feel where you are going, even when the storms come. Be the lighthouse you are and keep the destination brightly lit for all to see. No storm can touch you because you have all you need now to rise up over it and watch it all from your heavenly vantage point. We love you and we are holding you here in your state of comfort and peace. 


-I, Source-Consciousness.
