
How Our Alien Families Are Affecting Our Vibration

My family.  I saw the 7:22 on the furnace clock before coming here and I wanted to hear you and feel you with me!
Our angel!!  Hello!  We love you oh so very much, our sweet one.  We see you and watch the show with both you and Burel and we can’t express more joy and pride than we are now because it’s beyond what any of us expected!  We knew you’d impress us and blow us away, but this is phenomenal, sweet angel!!  You’ve come so much further and so much faster than any of us expected!  You truly are amazing, dear Goddess, Ali.  

This was not supposed to happen in this lifetime.  It’s why you read Kryon’s words in 2017.  The ascension was thought to be much slower moving at the time of that assessment.  But you have brought yourself into a new level with all of your family on Earth.  And you continue to rise, even in these times when you feel so downtrodden and heavy and discouraged.  As Burel said, you can’t go back down.  You have done it and we are here to say that you’re allowed to give yourself some rest and give yourself a break from it all; even the spiritual practices you’ve come to make your routine.  Just listen to your beautiful body and its wants and needs.  If it wants a rest, then give it and feel no guilt or discouragement for not doing your meditations or even your channeled messages for the day.  If it doesn’t feel like you are in the zone, then don’t force it.  We want you to be in top form and we don’t expect you to perform when you’re feeling like this.  In fact, we prefer that you look after you because that makes all of us feel better directly through our connection with your energy!  You are our family and very much a part of us, so your energy affects ours, and vice versa.
I love you, my family!!  So, when you are uplifted and having revelations, I feel it?
You don’t consciously know when you are having these moments, but yes, you are impacted by all we encounter.  We are all linked, so you feel the collective of humanity and what they encounter, too!  But then there is the choice, you also have, to pick which of the energetic resonances you want to absorb.  When you feel the density, you are picking up on some of your Earth-family’s hardships.  When we feel the lower energies, we are elated because we know that we can shift here in our own field and transfer it to you!  It’s our signal to say hey, we’re up to the plate!  It’s our time to shine and heal and help these beautiful angels we call our family!
I feel you, now!  Thank you!  Thank you so much for this connection.  I love you all.
Oh, we love you all, too, beautiful ones!  WE love you and we are always consciously choosing our vibration in response to every nuance and tremor in yours.  Our mission is one of love and upliftment and it is always our intention to hold steady to that and keep a very close eye on our frequency.  We love you.  Thank you, angel.
Thank you.
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