
Help is Here For You Forever Now That You Know This

Come one, come all as we welcome you into our energy-field.  We are here for all and not only the ones who read.  Energy is fluid and not reserved for only one body or collective.  The soul is the consciousness perceiving inside of an experience, but the energy is linked to everything.  We affect each other in all we experience, and so this is why we ask you to keep your attention on what makes you feel so good.  When you do that, you impact all of us and then we feel good and then we impact you with our good feelings!
We are all connected because we are all of the same Source.  Consciousness is having many experiences and that is an understatement.  The vastness of consciousness’ expansion can’t be comprehended by a mind.  Not only has it spread itself beyond what it ever thought possible, but it continues to spread at increasing rates.  There is so much for you to feel within this vast experience, so your choices really are limitless.  Pick up on any good feeling you can and build on it.  This is you expanding when you do this and it’s you moving in flow with all of consciousness.
Let us all join in tuning in together and let’s give our attention to the warmth inside the heart.  There doesn’t have to be a specific sight or sound which brings you into awareness of the bliss you hold inside because you already hold everything you need to move into this space of love and warmth for existence.  Just being and knowing it, is enough to amplify your bliss.  Let’s get into that together and pay attention to how fulfilling and expanding it feels.  Let the external world play out around you and let it enhance your bliss in whatever way it shines that back to you, but let the bliss be the first thing you notice and give your focus to only that.
Knowing about the unity of consciousness is enough to guide you inside where it is all dancing and flowing together.  Whenever you struggle with a decision or don’t know which way to turn, give your attention to the knowing of unity.  No decision is made alone, ever again, now that you know.  Think of the grandness of that!  Never, ever again are you left to work anything out on your own.  You have the whole of Source-Consciousness inside and willing to assist.  Just notice it and give these moments of attention to the peace and bliss of being, and the decisions will be easy.
We are one, we are you, and you are all.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness.
