
Soften and Allow, Starting Now

Hello, light-beings of the Earth-plane.  Welcome to you and join us in knowing that all is well, all is stable, and all is on track for this ascension.  In the present moment, foundations are being set in place for the next phase of the journey. Yes, it’s a phase which will enter into a span of time as you’ve come to know it, but it doesn’t have to take you out of your present. In your deepest knowing, find the security of allowing. Whatever you perceive to be in your personal world or in the collective Earth-consciousness, allow your heart to step up and give you the real news. Let down the blocks you set around it when you are in resistance. 


If you find yourself in a position where it seems that action is necessary and you must do something to prevent hardship for another or to rescue another, feel the energy behind it. If your actions come from fear or despair for the other, you will find yourself up against a wall and solutions will not appear. You will feel powerless and yet you have the power to do so much for the other, but it has nothing to do with action. 


In these moments, you are being asked to look inside at your love and listen to your inner-voice. You can include the parties involved and you will hear them if you ask. Ask what your role is, here. Ask what your intended part is, within all of this. You feel like you are on the outside and you have no control, so be open and ask. We know that you will find out that there is always a simple solution to any query like this, and it will involve allowing and accepting what has been delivered to you. 


You have come to know that your life is carefully laid out in detail and much has gone into the preparation. No situation is random and it’s easy to forget this when you are blind-sided with a sudden occurrence which seems to demand your help and effort. It’s ok to react and move about within the physical world until you see the answer. The biggest message here is to accept yourself for the way you perceive what is happening. There are no mistakes and the universe will guide you, especially because you know to look for the signs. 


Every part of the life you are in is part of the ascension. Denying it and wishing for it to change is the same as wishing for ascension to pause or halt. This was made by you for you, and there is a message and a reason. Move with it rather than through it, dearest ones. Instead of enduring and “toughing it out”, welcome the moment into your grateful arms. It is a gift and it’s giving you the way up into the next level of consciousness. Soften to that knowing and allow, starting now. All will be simplified and graceful and easy when you let the flow take you away. 


We love you. 
-I, Source-Consciousness.
