
The Guide in You

Hello and welcome as we meet here as hearts and minds. United, we join together in the meeting of the hearts. We have a penchant for love-connections and you are providing that for us when you meet here for these transmissions. To connect at the level of the heart means a much more authentic union is formed. The heart defines who we are where the identity, personality, and mind only provide an outer layer for the authenticity within. 


A habit and coping technique humans have developed is to mask the inside with the identity and ego. The likes and dislikes define you and your life-story dictates the way you respond to the external world. This is all crumbling as you open to the inside and you begin to forget about these traits and stories you have held onto for protection. The outer layer can be seen like that of a fruit; it is much thinner than the inside where all the nourishment and origins of your creation are found. The skin might be blemished and full of distractions and variety, but inside, all is uniform and complete. There is no need to hide anymore, angels. Now that you know you are an angel and the identity and life you have come to know do not define you, there is only one way left to be and that's as your true-self. 


You are in the process of getting to know who this true-self is, and the journey inward includes your guides. Some guides are in bodies, some are covered in fur, and some are pure consciousness. When you awaken, symbolism arises to coax you to dive deeper within. For most, it’s the first time they are witnessing this version of who they are. Some personalities are so loud and flamboyant that they overpower and mask the true you from others, and even from yourself. There is no set of requirements for diving within and you’ll find that out as you move with the guides. We are gentle and we allow you to move at your own pace. It’s new and unfamiliar territory, especially if you have been an extrovert for many years. We are gentle with you and so are your guides in bodies. 


We ask you to notice the guide in you. You know us and you know that we take a hands-off approach. We are quick to recognize those who are holding onto the dream and we love them for all the reasons they have for doing that. Each one of you is a representation of us and of each other. Give love to your other selves for what they are moving with as they journey inward. The outer layer has toughened and has served as an excellent protector for the delicate, raw, and untouched inner self. It’s a daunting task to pare away the build-up of identity, personality, and past. Your best course of action is to give loads of love, just as you do for yourself. With love comes patience, understanding, compassion, and acceptance. It’s what you are made of on the inside and you can put it to use as you guide your soul-family inside and out of their sleep. 


We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness. 
