
Free Your Attention and Receive Love's Gifts

Hello, sweet one.  We are with you.  There is no need to strain to feel us.  We are right here.
I feel you, now.  Hello, angels!
WE know it can be hard to take in: your entire family lives inside of your heart.  We are always with you!  It isn’t about a size or quantity, beautiful souls.  It isn’t even about measuring some energy of each family member and saying it all has to fit inside of your energy somehow.  This is the higher part of us we hold within each other and it is not measured because it is not form or matter of any sort.  It isn’t doing anything or being anything or holding any state.  It just is and it’s not for your mind to comprehend.  Love is a feeling you have; a knowing you know.
In your experience, you just have to be and allow it to give.  Let your experience give you all you need.  We love you so very much and we want you to get the most out of your experience.  This is why you experience the things you do.  You just have to allow and not even try to figure out what it all means.  If you are confused by what it means, don’t be; just know that it’s for you and allow it to give!  Let it be confusing and make peace with that.  You don’t need to know and maybe that’s the point.  Maybe your higher-self is keeping this a secret so you can learn from it.  If you knew the meaning, there wouldn’t be anything to work through; there wouldn’t be any surprises.  This is what you want, on a higher, secret level, so hug yourself and say thank you for the gifts you are bringing in every moment!
And when you flow with it and leave yourself open for playing, there is so much to enjoy!  Your attention will be freed up to notice beautiful sunrises, warmth of energy inside your crystals and gems, that glimmer in your dog’s eye when he greets you, or the sound of your own heartbeat and how beautiful it all is.  Give yourself the freedom to just enjoy the moment and love all the wonders it holds!  Glance over at the clock when you feel the urge and work out the meaning of the numbers for you.  If they add up to something or if they are a loved-one’s birthday, you’ll receive the message and feel the feelings your soul is after.  Going with the flow is really just allowing your experience to give you the gifts it has lined up and picked out just for you.
We love you, divine beings.  You are being someone and something within your experience, but you can feel who you are while you do that.  You can feel that you are not being at all and you are just knowing love.  You only have to know you are love and do nothing at all.  There is no action here where you feel the love you are.  Everyone knows your heart.  We know it and your whole family knows.  You know ours and we can feel each other, now.  Let’s all love this expression love makes and let’s feel the beauty it expresses in music and nature and let’s love our experience, no matter what it is or where we are.  It’s just as we designed and we will be warmed in the gift of love; in the Afterglow of the love we carry within.
-I, Source-Consciousness.
