
Lift the Weights and Rise

Hello, sweet divine beings of light!  A bountiful and abundant love comes from our dimension for you now.  The fullness of love is yours in this instant; just say the word and it is done.  It’s yours to have within.  We give it to you effortlessly and without hesitation, each one on Earth.  Some deny us and say they don’t need it; they’re happy the way they are.  And we are just fine with that!  We will keep giving it to them anyway until it’s accepted.  When they are ready, it will be there, and that’s what we are counting on.
You can help us to reach these ones who reject love and have more important things to do.  They don’t have time for themselves because they are caregivers or too busy with life; they have multitudes of excuses.  We see the truth and that’s why we send love and more love.  Taking in love means taking in light.  When the light is directed at you and attention is given to being loved just for who you are, that which hides in the darkness is exposed.  You have done so well with tucking it away neatly and safely, to be forgotten.  Here we come, shining this bright light, and we mess up the whole deal.
Facing your traumas and hurts is scary and painful, but when love-light shines on them, it isn’t so bad at all.  You are not alone when you go to face them; you have this bountiful love to protect you.  There is no reason to relive past hurts in order to heal them because it isn’t about the details; it’s about your reaction to them.  Let us help you face them with this love and compassion, fearlessness and patience, and travel inward.  Why face them?  Why can’t they just stay suppressed?  Well, it’s like any cluttered closet; there’s no room for the new if the old is taking up all the space.
Why do you want the new?  That’s up to you to decide.  If you are here reading, then chances are, you are looking for a way to rise up, to release, to find freedom, lightness, and joy.  The weights that hold you down must be lifted before you can rise, loving ones.  Your potential is released, your heart’s joy and abundance can be expressed, and your light-being can shine without all the clutter in the way.
What is the new?  It isn’t some gift or ability or more love to fill you because you already have all of that inside; the new is the way of seeing and reacting.  The clutter is the heavy thoughts and burdened mind, stifling what’s light and carefree.  Reveal what lies beneath these shrouds and covers.  You hold a whole universe of love within and it only wants to be seen and activated.  You hold the key to unlock it and all you have to do is let yourself be loved.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness.
