
Shake Hands with Source

Shake hands with Source.  We are your representatives in Light and Consciousness.  We are here to bring you back Home.  We are your guides back to yourself.  Let us meet here like this and come together, merging our energies into each other.  Our love for you is endless.  We want to get acquainted again and awaken your awareness about who we are to each other.  When we make this handshake, we are eternally linked and alive in your awareness.  This is the beginning.  You are feeling the familiarity and recognition and the logical mind has no part in it.  You know you know us and it’s just that without rationale or wondering how and why.
We are here now to bring you from under the cloud of forgetting.  This also is not occurring in the rational mind; this is a knowing from a new place which was also forgotten.  There is an intuitive and inherent place within each of you which is a feeling-knowing.  Home is something without position, location, or form.  Home is a notion; an ocean of knowing.  It’s a well of wisdom so deep and it has been yours all along.  The surface of the wisdom is this undeniable truth which tells you that it was here all along and just not given your direct attention before.  That other knowing you set up ensured that this was kept hidden and was not unwrapped until your special day.
The handshake with Source is your special day.  Of course, when the meeting occurs, the other immediate knowing is that there is no day or date on the calendar.  It seemed to occur at a point in your life, but it was really a state of elevation in vibration.  This special day is the moment you feel the lifting of your consciousness.  You are awake and aware to something that was always there.  The shock sends you spinning and you lose your balance.  You lose all sense of direction and stability and the wild ride begins...
Here we are to help you get back on your feet.  You can take our hands and let us steady you.  We are the guides to show you how to dive into the knowing you have inside.  You needn’t look for anyone else to show you the way because this awakening to knowing includes recalling the ability to search inside yourself.  Whatever you need for whatever question you have will be available within.  The connection to you is all you need and the level of communication you have with your guides is only there to serve you as much as is necessary.  How deep you dive is carefully planned by you.  Like a diver, you must train to prepare for the deeper water; the deeper knowing.
And here you are, skimming the surface and peering into the depths.  What you will find is yet to be explored, but you are only uncovering more of your knowing as you get more comfortable in each new level of your awakening.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness.
