
Tag it as "Love"

Hello to you, our comrades and partners in Ascension.  We are here with you and not going anywhere.  Here is where we choose to be for the gift of this moment.  We have a clear understanding that we can move our attention to any position in consciousness and of all the infinite options, we choose to be here with you.  We are giving the most attention to your mission and journey, but not just in one timeline.  We have the ability to be with you in all timelines you decide to move into and we are with you there in all of them, at once.  You are aware of one timeline, and in this moment, you have selected this incidence out of all possible options, so notice how important it must be!
Because you are not presently aware of the positions you select in consciousness, you are running on faith.  We know that many of you have reached that pivotal point in your awakening journey where you have full trust in what the higher version of you is choosing for your human to experience.  You can bet on the higher-self’s decisions and guarantee to your human self that this is the best possible place for you to focus 100% of your awareness.  This position was decided with your higher-self and you know that means it is the best one of all infinite options.
Flowing with what is presented is the main lesson in this part of your journey.  Getting to this place of accepting what is offered and chosen for you is your prime directive for this part of your ascension mission.  Flowing and accepting means releasing labels and replacing all of them with one label: Love.  If it’s cold outside, that’s love.  If you bite your lip, that’s love.  If you smell a rose, that’s love.  You have no opinion or category for anything because it’s so easy to file it all into one column now.  It’s so much freer and easier to move through your experience without the burden of attaching labels to every experience.
You can start now and you can practice attaching the tag of “love” to whatever you sense in your surroundings.  This timeline and this moment were perfectly selected to give you this opportunity.  Every aspect of what you perceive is here to give you this challenge to accept and then master.  We see your excitement to try this and we see that you want to move back into your past experiences and relabel them, but there is only now and this is the moment for this.  This is the present you have set up for the purpose of awakening, accepting, and shifting to a new way of perceiving your whole world.  Tag it all as “love” and feel the change in you when you have no further need for complex assigning and categorizing.  Release opinions and look at all as love, and only love, and you will be free to smile and accept it all with faith, ease, and understanding.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness.
