
The Fire in the Heart

Here we are, sweet angels of Earth!  Here we are for you and with you and as you and within you!  We are your family of guides and the ones who have been with you as you immersed yourself into the sphere of TIME.  You have selected this position on Earth and you did it from a place of fire and passion in your heart.  You love love so much and you love expansion and helping Source to become something new.  You are crazy in love with the growth and expansion that come from your choice to immerse into an experience, and you give it your all.  It is just who you are, sweet ones.  You can’t help it because you love love just like we do.  This is why we are here with you; we love to help you with your adventure because we see how much it does for us all!
Angels, there is no time like the present to tell you that what you have opted into is taking a dramatic turn.  You have dug in and you have sunk as deep into the mud and grit as you could and it’s all clearing up, now.  Awareness is bringing clarity and so the mud isn’t as opaque.  In fact, the mud isn’t mud at all when awareness shines onto knowing.  What you have been trudging through was not for pain and suffering at all; it was all for growth.  Any upcoming trials you encounter will be redefined as opportunities and will be met with curiosity.  Struggle and pain will no longer be labels you use to define your experiences.
There is no time but the present.  This moment of now is the one and only.  Enlightenment brings light and light brings clarity of seeing.  Seeing comes from the heart and not from eyes.  You are here and you are seeing from above and knowing what it’s all about.  Trust comes in clarity because there are no places you won’t boldly go for Source’s expansion.  You dive in and find the deepest and densest energy you can and you show us what you’ve got.  You promised that you would shine your light into it and transform your experience from heavy and hard to exciting and enlightening.  So, here you are, showing off and showing us that you know exactly how!  We are here to give you the clues you asked us to give, but you are making it on your own and it’s fascinating to witness!
Of all experiences you could choose, you picked the one where your soul’s purpose would be challenged.  Whatever drives you the most and carries the most passion within you, is your purpose.  You wanted that to be stamped out and hidden because you wanted to prove that it could never stay out of your awareness.  No matter how much muck and darkness buried it, you found it.  Your heart is shining so brightly that nothing is strong enough to block it.  Nothing can sustain that power and that heat of passion.  The heart is where your passion and purpose burn so feel the love within and feel the fire, loving ones.  Know your power and know why you came.  Look freshly from within yourself and from within your soul: See who you are and see the power you are.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness.
