
Variety Allows Expansion to Thrive

Hello and here we are.  Here we are with you as one energy and as one heart.  It’s a joy and delight for us to be with you, beautiful loves.  What a divine honour to join this way as one heart and to connect to yours and all the light it emits!  
Collective of Earth-consciousness, we salute you.  Hats off to a fine job, so far!  You are rising into a new age of enlightenment and peace where abundance is recognized as a commodity to be shared by all.  Some with more and some with less will no longer be acceptable.  You are transferring your inner-knowing of wholeness into the collective self.  Others are other yous and it isn’t so strange anymore to try to figure that out.
Even the most scientific and logical mind can make sense of this now and it’s because truth rings in it.  Even those of pure logical thinking are souls and the soul speaks to the mind and reaches it in whatever way the thinker will receive.  Watch for it.  You will see those who are intelligent and intellectual coming into logical thinking about spirituality.  The more the information is made available, the more accessible to the masses, and the more it will be within their scope of attention.  Enquiring minds will not be able to ignore the wisdom and the mind will become bright and alert by the light shining in the messages.
So, sweet angels, this is why we ask you to share and shine.  The other versions of you who are soundly sleeping are ready to awaken in their own way.  You all approach your spiritual awakening in your own personal way.  Those who are already awake are going to have more clarity of seeing about this and you will relax into the divine process.
Acceptance brings you to this relaxation, so let the others find their way.  It will be a much different journey than yours, but that’s what is intended by playing all these different roles as consciousness!  It was meant to give variety.  Many methods of awakening are giving Consciousness a much more well-rounded experience.  Expansion happens with new experiences, so allow and don’t interrupt.  If you want expansion, then let each one explore in their own way and give you the surprises and variety you need to have it!
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
