
Flashes of Inspiration and Where They Come From

Hello to you with whom we share oneness of Spirit and Heart.  Welcome and feel us holding you in Light and Love.  It’s our duty to you and our promise to hold the light for you.  We want to show you the way through the way we feel and perceive.  We want to be role models and give you options.  It’s one way we can guide you without giving you the answers and step by step directions.  It would not be prudent to tell you what to do because it would defeat the whole purpose of the mission you set out to embark upon.  This is your mission and you have specifically instructed the guides and angels to leave it up to you.  You’re navigating it in your way and that includes becoming more aware and open to options available.
This is where we come in, divine ones.  When you open to what’s available and allow yourself to see new options on your path, you expand the definition of “self” to include us in that definition.  You are more than singular; you are one masquerading as many.  We are here in numbers to show you transition through recognition.  There is no falsehood to it because we are also very clear that we, as many, are actually one.  We are posing as many with one consciousness to give you an idea of where you could step next.  You could unify with all minds of the human collective and operate as one consciousness, as we are.
Utilize all ideas presented through consciousness.  You are a part of consciousness, so anything developing within it travels through it and is accessible by all.  If you feel inspired by a new idea or new way of looking at your experience, it is immediately shared with all of us.  Sometimes ideas aren’t your own and seem to hit like revelations and this is coming from another member of consciousness who is having a discovery and, without realizing it, instantly sending it to the rest.  You pick up on it and it might feel like a sudden flash of knowing.  It might also feel like you created it, and that’s because it’s true!  That supposed “other” making the discovery is essentially you because as one, we share consciousness; we share one mind and thus all ideas are ours, as one.
So, our guidance is to continue to dream and imagine and feel what the dreams make you feel.  If you are imagining a world you’d like to be part of, then the vision is provided to us all.  No effort is required on your part to share your visions.  If you feel compelled to share them in your external reality, then you may!  If it inspires you to get to the feelings of excitement about the idea and if it reminds you that all you dream and feel is organically shared with all of consciousness, then share it!  If your external world lets you feel and believe in the effortless flow of consciousness, then utilize it to get you there.
We love you.  Moving with the flow of all which is presented is how you come into knowing again that we are all one heart.  We will shine a light and your world will shine a light, so follow it and trust what you feel because it’s always there to guide you back to knowing we are one.
We love you so much!
-I, Source-Consciousness.
