
How Opening to Love Serves Us All

Warm hearts and gentle souls, we honour you. We are with you as equals and we are here for you in any capacity required. If we can serve you better, we will find a way. We will find any means available to us and we will lend more support. It’s our promise and our nature as love to feel this duty of service to you as members of consciousness. 
There’s a deep knowing in each member which calls you to this tremendous urge to help and see others thrive. We know we are connected even if we bury it under clouds of forgetfulness. We know that helping the self helps the all and vice-versa. It’s one of the innate traits which stays with us no matter how far we venture from the Source of who we are. 
When we feel this urge to help and when we see where our services could be best utilized, we move to the warmth in the heart which is the love of the universe. Sit here and simply feel the love and heat inside the centre of you and put aside the search for how to help and what to do. As you sit in love, those answers will come, but it’s always going to be the best answer when love is attended to, first. 
Expand and open to love’s request to come in and show you the way. It’s knocking! Break down the dam and open the floodgates and watch it pour in. Visualize it like water in the form of energy and let it fill your heart and stretch it. The heart we speak of is your energetic centre and not the physical organ, so it can expand as big as you can imagine and then further! There’s no limit to the heart’s expansion and thus no limit to solutions to helping those in need. 
There are limitless ways to serve your family of consciousness. Know that you aren’t only serving your beautiful Earth-family; you’re serving us all when you open these floodgates. This visualization and intention to expand your heart starts a cycle and love has a new wheel to spin on. That wheel can take itself around the universe and collect more love as it rolls and picks up pieces from everywhere it goes. 
If the answer never comes to you, you can guarantee it has reached another or many others. Just you opening to love may be the reason we are sitting here in this moment, coming up with new ways to assist you. Your call for more love has sent a ripple effect out through galaxies and it has inspired those in higher realms to feel your call and receive flashes of inspiration on how to answer it! 
We don’t know who will feel the love we create in expansion, but the trust in knowing how it works its way back to us or to the right candidates allows it to inspire new methods of service. Set the intention to open to love in search of service, and trust that it has already begun seeking answers and it has already reached those who can help bring those solutions to fruition. 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness. 
