
The Higher Power in Charge

Hello, beautiful ones. We are with you. Hello and we want to say we love you oh so much and we want to help in whatever way we can. We will continue to guide you to your clear seeing. If you want to see that it’s your reality, then we will show you how. Telling you repeatedly can work, but we know that each has a different way of coming to understandings within the self. Evidence is useful to the human and so if it can be given from the physical reality, then we will do our best to reach you from that realm. And that realm, the physical, is yours. Together you have all made this masterpiece. You look outside of yourselves and you believe there is a higher power calling the shots. Well, there is a higher power and it’s you! You have what you call the higher self who is aware that it’s all your creation. 
When you have that tendency to look past your experience or question it and expect that it will turn in a direction which will meet your disapproval, you give it to a higher power. You might be in a smooth patch but there’s a thought in the back of your mind with questions about how long it will last and what the Gods will throw at you next. Your concern moves to whether you will be prepared rather than to the fact that you don’t have to expect curveballs anymore. You are creating the curveballs when you give that expectation to the supposed higher power; the universe. 
The real secret is that you are the universe, loving ones. The adage which says ”what you think becomes real because the universe always responds” is true, but it leads one to minimize the self. Yes, you are uncovering the secret to manifestation by knowing that thoughts create things, but you are still giving it to an external source when nothing is external. The universe spoken of in the adage is not a higher power without an ability to decipher your true desires; it’s you. And the way you imagine it operates is the way it will operate because you are telling yourself to operate that way! You are giving yourself guidelines to follow when you say that the universe doesn’t understand positive and negative words. The universe is you and you know what you want. Ask and don’t worry about the wording. 
The shift you are making currently involves rewriting your own code. It’s up to you to decide what version of truth you’d like to invest in. You created all truths, so you can pick one or make a new one and this is the freedom of being the creator of all. You can feel which way you want to move because your Earth-family guides with their feelings. You can let go of figuring it all out and instead move into knowing that it’s you making it what it is. There is nothing to figure out but everything to create as per your command. If you look for one way, you will only keep looking because you are telling the universe (you) that you want there to be one answer. The universe can’t give one answer because there are infinite answers! Shift to knowing you get to create the answer and leave the figuring out behind. It’s your world, you are the universe, and you are ready to know that you are the higher power in charge. 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness. 
