
Use Your Feelers to Tell the Future

A warm welcome to you all. Please allow us to invite you into this container of love we hold here for you. We offer a vessel of love within these messages where you can climb in and be one with our energy-offering. The energy is the best way we have to connect with you because it is the expanded field around your own vessel called the Merkabah. You can think of that field like your antennae or feelers, sensing what’s around you before your person even comes into contact with it. 
You have a sense of knowing the future through this field, as well. Occasionally, the knowing makes a link with your brain just enough to tell you a story which you can either take to be truth or not. It will do this to provide evidence for you so that your trust in your own feelings as guidance may amplify. There is nothing which you are unable to detect because you are not sensing something placed along your path by some other; you are merely providing yourself with a compass to navigate the world you have already designed for yourself. You have arranged each meeting, each encounter, each experience. Your feelers are only going to become stronger as you come to realize this is true. 
Intuitive hits are there for you to take or leave. However, our request is that you pay attention to something that comes in like a flash, seemingly out of nowhere. Give it some consideration, at least, even if you don’t decide to follow the hunch. If you have at least noted the flash of intuition, then it stays alive in your memory and lets you know that you were onto something, there. You do have a strong understanding about your senses and the little nudges you get are big and important. Each time you give the feeling sense some recognition, you strengthen the ability and essentially ask it to repeat the experience so you’ll have a chance to give it a reaction next time. 
Walk with your feelers erect and on high. Notice the energy field around you and include that as part of yourself. You are more than meets the eye. You can’t see air, but you know it’s there and this is just like your field of sensing energy expanding out from what you can see as your physical self. There is so much more to you that is there beyond your sight, and it’s a part of you which you can include in all of your interactions. 
Let the intuition feed information to your heart and then let yourself listen in that way you do without using your ears. A certain feeling comes with knowing something beyond your physical senses, and when you start to let that be just another natural part of who you are, you sharpen your skills and you let it become part of the physical senses, as well. Hunches and nudges are your guides just like we are. You have help and support surrounding you, so make use of your abundance and let it work for you so you can navigate your experience with ease, trust, and joy. 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness. 
