
What to Not Do

Family.  I have a song in my head and it has been there all morning!  The lyrics are about being loud and getting noticed.  I keep thinking it means I’m supposed to do something bold, but I don’t know what it is!
Hello, beautiful one!!  We are with you.  We are here!  We are right here so now you can believe and feel it.  Believe it and feel it.  We are with you.
Trust your signs and signals, but mostly, trust what you feel about them!  It’s very loud now if a sign is not meant to be followed.  The feeling in you is very loud and it has that distinct discomfort you know well.  So even if the sign seems very loud and clear, go to the feelings.  Your mind will sometimes want to make it a sign when the heart knows it isn’t.  So, just use your trust.  Yes, you can ask us, but we will not tell you what to do about the sign; that’s for you.  We can help you find what the sign means to you, but we will look for your input every time.  It has to be given your discernment because it’s solely your journey!  Do it the way you want to do it and when you are unsure, ask us to help you move to your feelings.  It’s why we are here!
Thank you!!  That helps!  The song isn’t about telling me to do something loud; it’s to see that my feelings are loud and clear!  Awesome!  I know the feelings that say, “I’m not ready.  It feels off”, etc.: Those are much louder now than they ever have been.  It’s the ones telling me when it DOES feel right that I’m not getting as loudly, which is strange.  I guess it just means there’s nothing I have to do?
Yes, lovely one.  There are not many moments where you will feel the strong urge to act, because you are not a “do-er”, by nature.  Your strong urges will be to move into the internal realm and look more deeply.  This is the action or “non-action” you are most guided toward.  There is nothing to do to be with your inner self.  Only relax into it and be with it.  If there is strain involved with this, then start again because it isn’t an action; it’s only a being.  And even to say you are being is too much action because you just are as you are without an effort of being it.  The point is that there really is nothing to do!
As we have discussed, you are being guided in all areas of life.  You are being directed to move within, when you are ready.  This isn’t about time moving and practice applied; it’s about the energy changing positions.  Your energy signature is rising each time you listen to the inner voice and follow the inner guidance.  As your energy rises, new and different suggestions will be provided around you.  You are always moving in accordance with your advancement through the energy.  New levels will offer new ideas like a carrot on a stick enticing you just a little closer to the next level, and so on.
Flowing with it is the best advice we have because you are then free to notice the carrot instead of dwelling on what you may have missed.  If something was missed, trust that was part of the journey!  Maybe it was set there to show you that dwelling on something outside of the present doesn’t feel so good.  Your discernment will tell you, and in your case, that’s exactly why you’ve rejected some of your opportunities.  Feelings of regret can be strong reminders to stay present.
Beautiful!!  OK.  I’m set.  I know what to not do.  Ha!!
Perfect, loving one!  We love you.  We are here.  We are always here for all of you for any guidance like this!  Please reach out in whatever way feels in harmony with your heart.
We love you.
-I, Source-Consciousness.
