
Claim Your Own Divine Love

Hello, sweet angels. We are with you and we are loving you with all our might! Open to it and let it in. Open from within. We are here within your spirit and within your heart’s energy. Allow this inner expanse to be filled with divine light. You are receiving from inside and so it’s very easy to find. You needn’t apply any effort to search for us out in the stars because all the love we have is already held within your being and shining and stirring and ready; the love wants to be included as part of your heart and you just have to feel for it. Keep diving into your divine light and you will find more to be held with greater brightness. 
Love abounds. Love surrounds. Love holds you in its arms and cradles you. Knots are unraveled and peace moves in. Pay it your attention and let it unravel you. Wherever, within, you do not feel peace, give it your love and direct attention and it can be loosened and freed. Interruptions during concentration become welcome friends. Memories of struggles and tears become gracious companions. A new light lets you see the moment as a gift and shows you the path has been laid with gold. The stage was and is perfect for your walk towards all you desire. It is all in divine perfection as you have designed. 
Speed now into inner love. Wait no longer, loving ones. No appointment needs to be set and no preparation or travel is required. The love you long for is here with you now and inside. It only takes your reaching in to feel it held as your own. It is only waiting for you to claim it and be one with it. Something is asking and you can feel it when the moments call you away. When discomfort takes over and uneasy feelings pull at you, turn back inside. 
Turning back in is not withdrawing; it’s facing truth. Going into the depths is for the bravest of hearts! Facing your own love might be foreign land and uncharted territory, so you are sometimes carving the path for the first time. Here is where we come in: You have all the help you could ever need and we are already on the path and waiting for you. We promise that the weeds aren’t so hard to clear; it’s just that no one has been here before and so they didn’t have guidance or direction and were left to their own wildness. Your wilderness of love is your own and you can explore it in your own way, in your own time, and at your own pace. We are stationed permanently, so know that when you are ready, we are ready. 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness. 
