
How Your Persona Contributes to Your Awakening

Dear angels of love, we see you.  We are with you and we love the love you’re made of.  We see it first and above everything else you believe yourselves to be.  We see the love you are and we feel it shining through the very complex and multi-faceted personalities and identities you have created in the suit of energy you wear.
Your suit is physical but it’s also a persona designed by you to step into when you entered into the Earth experience.  There were certain qualities you needed which would enhance the experience and give your soul what it most wanted to know through feelings.  Within the soup of the human collective, there are so many characters to choose from and it makes the options endless!
 You can take on the persona of the distraught wife, trapped in a loveless marriage, or the goal-oriented athlete with only one interest or subject of intense focus to carry you through your lifetime.  Immersing deeply into an identity can trigger awakening: Your character’s passion defines you and leaves you lost and far-removed from the passion of the soul.
 You can take on many identities within one lifetime which can also leave you confused and detached from the soul.  You can rewrite yourself so many times that you are left wondering which one of them is truly you.
Both of these options facilitate awakening because both leave you questioning.  When you question who you are, you are guided to explore within the heart and this is where you find yourself.
Often, awakening and finding yourself can begin with feeling included and important to one or many.  The ego plays a big part because it gets attention and makes you feel special, whether you’re the world-traveler who is so interesting to everyone you meet, or whether you’re the member of a group who cares about you because you love what they love.
Feeling special is not the wrong way to awaken because it also leaves you questioning what it means to be special or to stand out in the crowd.  There is an emptiness in both extremes whether you are ignored or revered.  The soul knows that everyone is equally important and not above or below on a rank of status and you’ll feel it in the loneliness that can come from these positions of character.
You have selected your persona carefully and it’s for you to utilize as a catalyst to awakening.  When you awaken and discover that you are a star-seed, you don’t have to turn away from your identity; you can see it for the gifts it has offered and continues to offer while you uncover more about the variety and depth in human character.  As you find yourself beneath the suit, you also see others below theirs, and then it can’t be un-seen.
Let all that you are contribute to your continued awakening and love being this character you have selected because it was done so carefully and with much love for yourself and for the whole collective.  You are in the life you are supposed to be in and you are wearing the perfect suit for helping yourself awaken and helping the rest of the world awaken.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness.
