
Kings and Queens of New Earth

Greetings, divine beings.  We send a beam of our light onto the path in front of you to help you find your way.  Keep alert and look around for the signs, sweet ones.  Your path is being lit up for you more brightly than it ever has been.  Your knowing of your true power and nature is allowing it to be more visible because you look from love and not with eyes.  You are feeling your way through your experience as love and finding that the heart is not wrapped in emotions.  The heart has only one feeling of constant and steady love, unwavering.
You are this heart of stable and unmoving love and the comfort settles in around you when you even just begin to consider the truth in those words.  But then feel it, and ease takes you over.  Make a subtle shift from the emotional buffet normally available and move to your heart where everything is so smooth and still.  This is your calm centre and it isn’t just a theory; you can live life approaching all from within this calm being and it’s our mission to show you the way in and to access it even in the most tumultuous times.
These abilities we speak of are not reserved for the most spiritually advanced having trained for a lifetime to achieve mastery.  If you can perceive time as a concept, then you can feel the presence of your power in this moment.  If time isn’t real, then training isn’t required.  If you know all events are occurring on this singular point of one moment alone, then whatever you can do is available to you in an instant.  Put aside thoughts about reaching advanced abilities at some future time because that time is here in the present, as are all moments.  It is only a matter of accessing the moment you desire, and this is also an ability which is just with you and requires no training.
We are bringing the present and the heart’s stillness into view at once to allow you to converge them.  While in your presence of still and unmoving love, give attention to your moments.  Whatever moment you seek, reach into your heart with your calm being and feel for it.  Take on the qualities you might feel when you are accessing the creator you know you are.  Feel the certainty, the confidence, the prowess and humility.  You are pure love and you are powerful, mighty, and regal.  You are knower of all and you are generous and abundant.  You love to be in your fullness and you love to show others how to find it in themselves.
Your majesties, take your rightful positions as the Kings and Queens of New Earth.  You have moved past all of the smallness and you are stepping into a new self-image as Saviour, Creator, and Divine Master.  You find oneness with each other in the recognition that you are all equally powerful and giving and you are all the same stable love through and through.  Unite in the heart and connect at this new level of seeing yourselves and each other as the ones who are creating it and changing it all into a land where each one may thrive and be their fullest self.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness.
