
Know Love on All Levels

Hello angels.  Hello, lights of the Earth!  We see you each shining and spreading your love and light to the whole planet!  We see you brightening when we connect with you and, in turn, we brighten!  You see how we impact each other?  There is no meeting of bodies with eyes or handshakes and yet with only the thought of each other, we have made a tremendous impact on each other’s light and vibration.
There are many circumstances in which you long for the physical experience through travel or social connection in hugs and eye to eye contact and it is the purpose of being human!  You wanted to feel all the pleasures the body can offer with the senses and the emotions you don’t normally experience when not occupying a body.  It’s an opportunity to explore with physicality and to know the world of love as though it is a physical thing.  Love is all energy in all things and it feels so good to meet it as form and to see how different it is compared to the way you are used to feeling it with only your knowing senses.
Unite these ways of knowing and meeting love.  Feel what it’s like to experience love in the physical while also tuning into the part of you which knows it on a base level as soul.  The entirety of who you are is here experiencing love in physical form as matter and energy.  All of these measurable properties love is taking on are meant for your enjoyment. 
Normally, you are love and you know it and there is no variation to feel because all is love and it all feels the same in such bliss and beauty and never-ending ecstasy.  On Earth, you get to put love into shapes and emotions and feel it with many senses instead of just one.  You can see why this is so intriguing and exciting!  Those who awaken struggle sometimes with giving more focus to the sensation of love in one specific form or feeling and worry that it is an addiction.
Beautiful angels, we are here to tell you that there is no wrong way to love!  If you love, you are being nature.  If you love, it can only take you down the path to more love, and this is ascension.  Continue to be the nature of love and follow your heart!  Whatever consumes your senses is exactly what your soul had in mind for this experience, so allow and feel peace and comfort with your nature, sweet ones.  It makes no difference where you direct your love but only that you are directing it!!  When you love, you love you: It always circles back within because all is within you!!
Love always takes you in the right direction and only lets you rise and shine brighter, so let yourself feel love.  Let it be directed wherever your passion leads you because you can know it’s all coming back within and generating more love and more rising up for you as you continue to let it be free to be what it naturally wants to be.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness.
