
Project and Expand the Field of Love

Welcome, one and all, and thank you for joining us here inside of this field of energy we are creating together.  This meeting of our words with your mind creates an energy vortex in which we magnetize to each other.  The like-minded purpose we share is mutually attractive.  When we connect within this field, we are creating a new level of energy which is available to all who share our purpose to propagate and nurture the growth of widespread love.
Let’s allow this vortex to pull us toward any who share our passion for spreading the energy of love.  Let’s set the intention together to meet like this while also consciously projecting the love into an expanded field where it’s easily detected and attainable to all.  Where your thoughts are directed is the most powerful tool you have for nurturing this love.  Visualize a stranger picking up the signal and watch them rise up in excitement as they make sense of it and correctly read your sign.  
This visualization is not an invention or practice; it’s a picture of the truth.  People all over the world whom you’ve never met are feeling your projection and intention to lift them with your expanded field of love.  You are creating it with others and with all of us and it’s being handed out liberally for anyone who picks up the scent and would like more of it.
When we believe and trust in this projection, we gather support and expand the energy field.  Each one who joins you has also gathered their own circle of souls who were magnetized to their special brand of love.  You bring along with you your entire tribe of like-hearted souls when you project and connect.  Soon, everyone is linked within these massive clusters and we become one whole circle of love-energy with the same passion and purpose.
Projecting your love is always about gathering more members to this team of heart-feeling energy.  Set the intention to recruit more hearts and accept them lovingly.  You might not see them or know in your mind that they are with you, but your heart will let you feel them.  A sense of back-up and certainty is growing within us all and hope is left behind.  Assuredness is so strong that hope is no longer required.  We know with certainty that we are creating this expanding team of love because we trust our feelings: We know that they always steer us toward more love because that’s what we all want.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness.
