
The Sweet Waiting for Fulfillment of Dreams

Hello, my family of guides!!  I love you and all the messages you send me.  Thank you so much.  I have moments where I don’t feel I need to ask for anything but yet I also have moments where I want to ask for everything!!  I want my dreams to be realized in this world.  I know I have many other physical worlds and I know I can think of them as though they are as real as this one, and I have all the tips and tricks at my disposal, but yet….  You know!! 
We do know, sweet angel!!  We do!  And this is why we send you so much love and support and encouragement regularly, loving one.  Oh, we want the same as you do!  We do!  We want all of you to know the very best life you can have.  We want each one to feel what they wish to experience in this world you have created together.  You are shown such dramatic opposites so that you do have these dreams and visions!  You made it like this so that you could feel what it was like to long for something you don’t appear to presently have.  And so, when you ask us for things you would like to experience, we are with you 100%, angels.
There is no more holding back in the asking: If you want it, then ask and know that it’s possible for you!  Ask while also knowing that it doesn’t have to be just a dream any longer.  You can have everything your world is showing you to want and wish for.  You set it up like this to show yourself the extremes.  These methods we give you for feeling something is just as real in your mind as it is in this world are not meant to keep you at bay; we give you these because they are comforting and soothing in the meantime, while you wait for them to come into your reality.  You want to make it seem like waiting is real.  Oh, what sweetness you find in the dessert of waiting and finally receiving!  You are asking with your heart and your brain doesn’t always hear these requests because it would ruin the sweetness if it did!
It’s so delicately dispersed in divine order, loving ones.  We again want to remind you of the trust because it must be this way for you to fulfill your wishes to the max.  You must be kept unaware of some of your own plans in order for them to be fulfilled in the best imaginable ways.  If you can amplify the trust in yourself and all the plans you have arranged to come to you in the most perfect, sweet, and surprising ways, then you can live more peacefully while it unfolds.
Being present is another peace-bringer while you wait.  Being present is giving you the maximum fulfillment you desire because you are not allowing the sweet moments of feeling lack and wishing for more, to pass you by.  Soak in them.  Feel what it’s like to wish and want and play in the field of imagination where you can know your wishes, fulfilled.  Know that you are also spiritually preparing to be the version of yourself you want to be when these dreams come to fruition.  Let yourself get ready for them here in your mind’s playland!  Allow the feelings of receiving to flow over you.  Feel the satisfaction and emotion when you say, “Finally!!  After waiting all of this time; finally, it’s here!”
That’s the game, loving ones.  We have our part to play and you are guiding us as your willing assistants.  We want this to play out perfectly just as you wish and we want your dreams to come true as much as you do.  We are right here with you in the feelings and we only want you to feel enjoyment in them while they last.  Once all your dreams are fulfilled, the wishing and longing will be gone or transformed into something less intense.  So, please love it while it lasts and love it for the gifts it is offering on the way to your fantastic vision! 
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness.
