
I am Choosing All of My Moments

I’m at peace with this: 
I know I’m choosing these moments now and I know why.  I see the whole plan... 
I am choosing all of my moments and giving them to myself in an order to make it seem like time is real! I want to believe time is real so it feels like I am learning things. I want to make it seem like I don't know who I am so that I can introduce myself to myself! 
All is exactly as I planned, and the reasons are exactly what I want.  I can see it now!  Even the human-me wants it like this now! 
I want to believe that it is all coming to me like it hasn’t happened yet.  I want to be wowed and awestruck by all the magic!  I want to be surprised and pretend I didn’t know this was coming! 
I see why it’s this way and I accept it gratefully and wholeheartedly!!  I’m excited now!  I’m just excited to live it out because it’s going to be epic!!  Not only will I get all of my dreams, but they will be delivered to me in the sweetest way.  One of my dreams is this, actually: To have my dreams delivered magically, like they are a big surprise! 
It’s only fun.  This whole thing is and has been for fun and this is the time when things are going to really start moving, erupting, and evolving!  I am ready to live in this moment and allow the next one I picked to be even more exciting than the last!! 
We have been inside of every imaginable experience i
n all of the lifetimes we have lived!  But right now, we are obsessed with who we are in this Earth experience because so much is happening here!  There are thrills and explosions of excitement and revelations!  There are so many incredible moments erupting all over the globe.  Each one is choosing their best moments of excitement.  Everyone is choosing the best moments that fit with the rest!  
I understand that I’m choosing the moment with my higher self; as my higher self!  I know I am keeping the best moment at a distance because it will be so much better when it arrives and I will be so grateful that I made myself wait.
I see how I’d want that perfect moment to creep up, slowly.  I see how it will be best when I reach it slowly and steadily after having gone through other moments which made it seem like this one wasn’t coming. It will be so much sweeter and so much more appreciated after the long wait. 
I see how masterful I am at ensuring the most beautiful upcoming moment I want gets delivered as sweetly and as perfectly as possible! 
Thanks, higher self/myself!!
