
The Essence of Love in its Many Forms

Hello, family. 
Hello, beautiful angel. Here we are. We are here, now. Let’s be here together right now like this, with only now to deal with. There is nothing more than this singular moment in this time when we transmit these words of love within the energy you embody and with the energy the words carry. You can feel the energy in a word. It has a feeling, even if it’s an emotionless word. There is some quality or texture to the meaning and feeling and it isn’t even because of the way it looks or sounds, is it? 
Consider the way the ones you love feel to you. There is a quality and personality to the energy around them. You can distinguish them from each other when you compare them in your mind and body. There is a very different feeling you receive from different people, and then compare that to the feeling of your beloved pet, or a tree or blade of grass. Take all of the energy of living things and feel the difference, and then feel the same signature inside of words, numbers, other written shapes, your precious objects like gemstones and jewelry, or even a favourite jacket. 
These pointings are guides to show you the same energy-signature inside of yourself. You might be surprised to find that yours is the most difficult to decipher! However, if you look at it from the inside, it is the easiest one of all because you have a history of being you which goes back in your Earth-time for millennia, but then is also stable here where it hasn’t moved through time or space, at all.
You might find it easiest to tap into by recalling this lifetime’s childhood, as early as you can remember. The natural and playful way of being is the most like the you who sits here with us for this message. The person had yet to formulate around your essence then, and so you didn’t define yourself by country, culture, religion, tastes, or everything else which created your identity. 
This you to which we draw your attention is here and the same as it has always been, in space and time or otherwise. The energy of you and of all things is unchanged. It may travel and embody different shapes in form. It may sit still and simply feel itself as love. It may also experience itself as an invisible particle of matter with more than just the usual peace and stillness it is accustomed to. Whatever the energy chooses to be or become, it is still always the stationary unchanged essence of love with that unique feeling we all know so well.  
Love has so many facets and yet each shade or colour of its essence can occupy multiple forms or formless bodies at once. A part or section of the entirety of love can be many things in a moment, and it can shift and change into other things in the same moment. The idea is to feel that essence within that place where you know the world around you via this innate energy-reading ability you have.

Begin to notice the variation and sameness. Feel the connection when energy-signatures feel identical to each other, and also feel how extremely different others can be when compared, side by side. You are a highly intuitive, finely tuned energy-sensitive member of the entirety of love and that’s how you’re able to easily identify and name its essence by the many feelings it transmits. 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness. 
