
Feel The Power of Oneness Through Loving Others

Hello, our loving ones.  You are so dear to us, sweet precious souls of Earth.  We love you so deeply and we have an obligation of service to you that is so natural to us.  We take ownership over our role of duty to you as loving guides and teams of support.  We want nothing more than to see you succeed; to find your way back to knowing who you are as members of Source-Consciousness.  We will uphold our end of this agreement and be by your side as long as you need us, angels.  It is our promise to you and we promise that you will only continue to rise in consciousness as you continue to look within and feel for our loving energy and encouragement.
The love we share with other souls can be so uplifting.  This connection we share and how wonderful it feels is the direct reminder of our oneness.  You might have a few kindred souls who bring you the feeling of connection to Source more than others do, and it’s a perfect way to be introduced to the power of Oneness.  It’s ok to focus your love on one or on a small group of your soul-family when initially finding your way back Home because, like us, they are your guides and support team, too.  You are also their support and when you feel the love you share, it lifts and encourages them to feel love in whatever way they choose.
Utilize your family members and the love you have for them to guide you to the way you feel about yourself.  Feel the sameness: You couldn’t love like that if you didn’t also love you just as much.  Find equality in loving another soul, and you are finding a method to get to self-love.  Direct your energy into the love in your heart and it is always benefitting you and showing you what it means to give yourself love, care, attention, and affection.
Come into your heart and expand the love.  Find what most stimulates the love inside of you and let that be the catalyst for stirring up all the love you have for yourself.  It’s the same love and it is only coming in as metaphor when represented through another.  You know there are truly no others when considering unity consciousness and oneness, but we are playing the roles we have been assigned and we are doing it so that we can all find our way back.  The love guides and leads and the more deeply you feel it, the more you will notice that you feel it for everyone.  Blood relative or the person online whose face you’ve never seen, feel the love and let it show you the equality we share as you find out that the power of love is not reserved for just one, but for all, equally.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness.
