
The World is Your Mirror Image

Hello and welcome. We are with you. We are here. Now, we can join here and be one, the way we know we are. We know and we also choose to play as if we do not know. We choose because we have a mission to carry out. It’s a mission of play and exploration and not serious. Love isn’t and couldn’t be serious. Whatever we choose and whatever experience we jump into is for play, no matter how serious it might appear. 
There is a calm hush settling around your world as many are reflecting on their present positions in life in relation to what it was before your covid pandemic. Many are noticing the remarkable changes and they are deciding whether they approve or not. They are looking at the details, but yet they are also feeling this wave of playfulness about it all, at the same time. The topics which had one so fired up only a few years ago are now not as important as the quality of one’s personal life. Each is shifting priorities and self-image. 
We love to see the transformation as you all take notice of your individual situations and care for yourselves. Without being advised, humans know that the world is a reflection of what’s going on inside of them. What you think of yourself is going to be mirrored back to you in all of the people around you, strangers or not. Have faith in yourself and in your power and ability to create your own world, and you will see how others are also utilizing their power. You will have faith that they can each create their own world deliberately using this same technique of elevating the self-image. 
Sweet ones, you don’t need to look around at each one and ask what is being shown: It takes away so much of your energy when you are trying to use the mirror as a means to find what needs improving in yourself. Use it the other way: Be the mirror image you want to see and then look at what is reflected and how it responds to your uplifted self-image. 
Use your energy to lift your own spirits, to care for your mental state, and to worship your body and ensure it feels the best it can in all moments. Find your highest state of joy and give your attention to that. Treat yourself with care and you will see others begin to do the same. It is all stemming from what you feel, so leave the details behind, feel wonderful, and then let the mirror image show you your makeover in the faces and lives of all of those you see around you. 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness. 
