
You Hold the Wisdom of the Universe

Hello, divine beings.  Here we are, as one, creating together.  Here we are, in unity, choosing each unfolding experience together.  It’s our plan.  It’s our design.  We have built this as one unified collective and we are God.  WE, together as one, are the creator of all wisdom.  If God knows it, you know it, because you are God.
If the universe is a fast response to what you know, then know it.  Choose to know and then watch creation respond!  Your answers are no longer sought out; they are your creation.  Ask but then receive the answer from inside.  Create it and then watch it appear in the external.  Even seeking in the external is no longer necessary: You have it and then the outside is manifested.
Talk like this might feel new to you.  Maybe you have been denying your power up until now.  This has always been you.  You have always been God.  Let go of whatever belief said you were not; it’s only important to know that you are.
Move with the present moment and light up about what you find.  Make the conviction and know the meaning of all things.  Choose the answers and then make them reality.  Reality isn’t just the physical; it’s in your thoughts and in your heart, too.  Make your internal reality first and watch it appear in all other ways.  It starts here and it takes only a small change in the way you choose to know your own wisdom.  You are wise and not in the mind; you have the wisdom of your intuition and all higher senses and abilities.  These are the abilities you used to create the universe.  They’re yours and readily accessible.
Let this uplift you.  Let this new knowing of your own wisdom come back gently.  You might not find all your powers instantly, but knowing about them has opened a new doorway.  Gently come back into your power as the creator and let the magic guide you at a suitable pace.  It will be so rewarding to reveal in small stages; a small taste of what you can do opens up the next ability, and so on.  Dear creator, come back to knowing and let the reveal be slow and exciting!  It’s what we planned for you and it’s the way we all decided to proceed because each success and celebration is more fun than the last!
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness.
