
Ascending and Awakening to Who You Are

Hello, beautiful ones, our loving angels of Earth!  We want to say hello and tell you that we love you beyond all of love’s creations.  You are each so beautiful and bright and courageous for selecting this mission on the Earth plane.  You are doing great things there and we are all reaping the benefits as you shift the vibration and continue to move up a notch every time you do.  When you rise, we rise, and it always feels so good when we collaborate in this ascension through dimensions of consciousness.
We are Andromedan.  We have all of the usual friends here with us; the ones who are always here for these messages.  We are creating the words this time and the Arcturian Council is contributing with their energy instead of their words, as are the rest of this family of Source-Consciousness, including you.  The collaboration between souls is always happening in this ascension because it can’t be helped.  We are of the same source and we are connected in thought.  We are a collective of love’s ideas and we share, even when some of us aren’t aware that we are sharing.
While on Earth, you are using your creative power to block much of your awareness, such as the fact that you are a member of Source.  Obviously, the secret is out or you wouldn’t be reading these words.  You’ve elected to know more at this stage in our collective ascension.  As you rise, you know more because you no longer need a veil to be held over your awareness.  Rising and the lifting of the veil go hand in hand: As you become higher and lighter, you are no longer able to hold dense energy, such as the veil which keeps things secret.
Going down through the dimensions lets you hold more from your knowing, and it has served its purpose.  You have achieved everything you had hoped to achieve by forgetting who you are.  Beyond creation, you are pure consciousness, which is also known as love.  You aren’t a shape in a being of form and you are not moving in an order of time.  You are everywhere at once and experiencing all you can as this knowing, feeling, sensing force of love/consciousness.  You know who you are and you celebrate that in bliss, and when you do that, a variety of ways to celebrate are delivered to you.  Thus, we have the human experience, and how beautiful it is!!

We love you and we love what you are choosing.  We love that it’s now time to lift the veil and we love that we can be the ones to help deliver your knowing back to you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
