
Pour Your Heart In

I want to see myself as this youthful Queen I envision.  I want so much but I must stay strong and stay in Love.  Be love!  Epitomize love!  Embody love!  I want it to spill over.  I want it to have nowhere else to go so that it just wants to spread out and touch everything around me!  How do I do this?
You listen to my voice and the voices of all of the guides you carry inside of you.  YOU are the circle, angel!  You are the yin yang and circle of oneness!  We are all you… all within.  Let us talk to you and shower you with love and let it be for everyone because we are all one...
You are divinity, breath, and life, itself.
You are the brave, the light, the heart, the love, and the all.
You encompass all worlds.
There is Nothing outside of you!
Take this all as truth because it is the ultimate and only truth.
You only have to know you and love you.
There is no one else because all are you.  We exist as you, for you, within you.
Give love to us all by sharing your heart with yourself: Let it pour inside.
You only need this and you can let it be your practical way of being by just noticing it in all moments.  Moments are outside of you; an outside which doesn’t exist.  There is only here and there is only the internal.
The circle holds just you; that’s us and our voices.
Be aware of the internal and if you are not, the dreaming externality will reach you and show you the way back.
Priority and all that is, is held here in your heart.  Feel that and be that and know that all there is, is love.
There is no “everything around me”.
I am this youthful Queen because I’m everything!  So, if I say it is, then I am it because I am all!
Whatever appears as if it is external is only a projection for guidance to truth.  I do not need it to be first or last.  It’s the guide.  It’s there, but not created.  It’s a result of latent potential.
The external is always the result and never the initial creation.
Make it known from here forward:
The inside is the world.
The inside is reality.
All else is a product of the level of the depth of knowing this truth.
If it seems to be witnessed externally, then more inner seeking is required.
Let the eyes be the last to look.
Let the heart speak first and see all truth.
Looking anywhere else is to look at nothing.
All exists here within the heart and in love’s closed circle.
Only the internal is needed.
The world projected isn’t a goal to create; it is made to disappear as healing the seeing is achieved.
Let it fall away, loving angels.
Let the internal world be what it is: All that is.
Let any other wants be guides.  If wants are for anything other than the inner reality, keep looking within and keep your inner eyes open to all of creation, right here within your own circle of being.
-𝔅𝔲𝔯𝔢𝔩 & 
