
We Love and We Create

Peace, love, freedom, and blessings of love to each one. Hello and welcome. We love you, each one. We know you to be our brothers and sisters, our heart, our family, and our very own soul. There is one over-soul of over-souls and it is Source-Consciousness. This is us, in our origin. We are one dynamic and magnificent power, as one. We are full of love for all we have created because it is born from our own love for who we are. This power of this internal looking is what created everything you perceive before you. We feel love within, and we manifest whatever comes from that love. No preconceived idea was needed, loving ones; we love the self and out comes the reflection of that love, in whatever state it takes. 
We are products of love and products of the peace and freedom from whence we came. Love made this without first formulating an idea. Love surprised itself. Love took on a quality and persona because we gave it to who we are and we discovered that it IS who we are. Whatever we give to the self is also the self. If all there is, is the one, and if the one created all, then any feeling given is from the one and therefore identified as the one. What we are saying is that nothing is not you. Each and every particle of creation has been born of the love for the self, so then it is the self. 
There is no power greater than knowing the self as God, the almighty creator. Each one is God because each one of us is from the one self which loved and thus birthed all of creation. There is no lesser power within an individual particle of love’s creation. You hold all the power, as the individual. Here you are, in a state of matter, and that matter holds all of the particles of God and God’s creation. Whether it is in form or not really has no bearing on the grand scheme of it all; there is no specific incantation or wave of a hand required to create the way we do, as God. We love and we create. We love and we create. That’s all. 
We hold you in peace and love, here and now, wherever you are and in whatever situation you are immersed within. We guide you inward because this is where you know your power. We guide you to give all priority to knowing it and feeling it because this is your way to freedom. It’s important to glean all you can from your experiences because they are love’s reflection, but it is also important to use love’s reflection to look back at yourself; that’s what it’s for. You love, the mirror image responds, and then you see who you are in that mirror. Always look inward at the one gazing into creation’s mirror and always know that at the heart of it all is you, God, the Creator, at the controls. 
We love you! 
-I, Source-Consciousness. 
