
Yin Yang and The Light of Oneness

Angels dwelling in the Earth plane, we welcome you.  Thank you for joining us for this collective message created by consciousness.  There is a symbol of our oneness here on your world in your yin yang.  It fulfills much of your awakened understanding about the origins of love’s creation.  There are so many meanings to be held in the vibration of this circle and the wave which divides it.  A curved line in motion represents the constant fluctuation of creation.  The opposing sides with a drop of the other in each can mean masculine/feminine, light/dark, oneness/duality, or any other double-sided forces of love’s design.  Not only do the drops indicate some of the other in each side, but the wavy line allows each side to spill into each other and overlap.  This lets you know that there never was any division other than what appears to be until more closely inspected.
We can look closely at all opposite sides of your world and find how they overlap.  You may individualize into male and female, but each one contains some of both within the vibrational field.  The dynamic between these supposed opposites helps you to play on both sides at once and relate to your counterparts as they also play in this mixture.  The varying degrees of yin and yang in any category are always in movement and charging each other as the energies are recognized.  You give attention to one side, and the opposite side is vibrant and balancing to keep you grounded in your inner-knowing of what oneness represents.
In oneness, you can fill in your yin yang symbol with light.  Remove the lines and drops and keep the solid circle filled with light, and you feel the fullness of oneness beneath all things represented as opposites.  A richness in quality of energy stabilizes you and takes you beyond the dual nature of identity with form or opposing forces.  There is only pure light playing and swirling in multiple colours, mixing and blending inside of an endless circle.  We are all here, being this blend of one light together.
The yin yang helps us to see the beauty in love acting on two sides, but it also keeps it all within a circle, never to exclude any part of itself.  We stay bonded while we play in these oppositions and we stay stable and secure as one whole, combined light of love.  We will hold each other in love while we feel both the moving line and the blended light.  It’s all for us to free our creative imaginations and it is all meant to help us thrive while we create and collaborate on each and every adventure we choose.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
