
Make the Uphill Climb of Ascension an Easy One

Friends of Earth, our loved ones, here we are with you!  We’re with you and always here for you during your journeys.  This present journey is full of variety and action-packed!  We know that it’s daunting and challenging and we know it can feel like an uphill climb.  Well, dear angels, it is an uphill climb, but one you can do without effort.  If you allow us, we can lift you and carry you up into the higher vibrations.  We can point the way and show you how to get there.  
There isn’t any hard work, strain, or effort needed for this climb.  The climb you’re on is called the ascension.  You are rising to new heights of consciousness, and you are doing it by being in an experience.  You are choosing your journey because it’s the one which best propels you upward.  When the experience feels like work, that’s when we ask that you turn within and find us, find your love, and accept the guidance offered.  You are not alone as you rise up; you have all of consciousness with you.  You are consciousness and we are all aspects of the same source, and so what we do affects all.
Here is where the fun comes in, loving ones.  Take the seriousness out of your journey.  Take time out of the equation.  Remove all which isn’t enjoyable.  Do all of these things and rise!  When you play and enjoy and have fun as if time is not a factor, as if there are no consequences, and while putting how you feel at the top of your priorities, you lighten up about everything and you literally lighten and rise.  Keep your experience all about play and turn to things which fill your heart with passion.
It isn’t necessary to hurt and toil for yourself or others, but you have added this to your experience for a reason.  The ascension is happening because we are all involved and we are all aiming for the goal of rising and climbing.  When some of the members of consciousness fight against it and work on feeling lower energies, it cannot last.  As much as one wishes to experience despair or loneliness, we have risen to a new level together where it isn’t possible to remain in those states.
And we do allow ourselves the lower experiences we ask for because that’s how we rise.  We go very low and it feels so heavy and uncomfortable that it gives us the greatest incentive to climb out and get higher than we were before: Now that we know what it's like to go low, we only wish to remain high and never go back there again!  No matter what the experience or decision, it’s all working towards ascension.  Even the heaviest and worst-feeling energies are providing us with just what we need to get there, so we can allow our fellow members of consciousness to experience what they need, in recognition of the reason, and in knowing that it will not last.
There isn’t anything for you to do to assist with the ascension.  This uphill climb is happening without any action; it’s happening because we choose to be who we are as consciousness and as love.  WE choose experiences together, we agree on which ones will be best for the collective consciousness, and we set out on our missions with love in our hearts.  If we continue to be that love and offer it to ourselves as fully and optimally as we can, then we ascend with grace and ease and we show our entire family how to follow us and do the same.
We love you!
-I, Source-Consciousness
